B4A Library [B4X][B4XLib] lmB4XMultiDateDlg

Crossplatform (B4A, B4J, B4i) library that provides a template (lmB4XDateTemplate2) to use with B4XDateDialog to highlight N dates (and make them clickable).
It is very useful for developing SW for appointments, notes, reservations, schedulers, reminders, ...

For more information, see this thread:

Note: I don't have Apple HW and therefore neither B4i. The library contains a layout file for each platform; the B4i one was created for me by @Sagenut (thanks, my friend) but with an old version of B4i. If it doesn't work, open this B4XLib (it's a zip file) and replace it with one created by you (as already written in that thread, it will be very easy to do).



  • lmB4XMultiDateDlg.b4xlib
    7.7 KB · Views: 61
  • lmB4XDateTemplate_Test.zip
    12.2 KB · Views: 62
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm thinking of taking on another challenge in this regard (but I don't know if I will, I just needed this library).

1 To be able to fix the B4XDialog as if it were a View, especially useful in B4J

2 Resize the dialog.

To achieve this I would have to incorporate the B4XDialog sources and modify them.

Are you interested? Or would I waste time?


Licensed User
Longtime User
1 To be able to fix the B4XDialog as if it were a View, especially useful in B4J
Adding the following method to the B4XDialog class, this seems to work (I need to test it more). It might not be enough, you would also need to raise an event like SelectedDayChanged, but anyway the date template will surely contain the selected date:
Public Sub MoveTo(NewParent As B4XView, Left As Int, Top As Int)
    If Base.Parent = NewParent Then Return
    NewParent.AddView(Base, Left, Top, Base.Width, Base.Height)
    Background.Visible = False
End Sub

You could also achieve this in your project without adding that method to B4XDialog, but it would still require you to modify B4XDialog by changing the visibility of Background from Private to Public, therefore it’s better to add the method in that case.

What do you think, Erel? Do you "plan" to add this method to your class?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Very quick demonstration (due to the 500Kb upload limit) of the badge indicating the number of items associated with the highlighted day, with a circle (first), with a rectangle (second) and moving the dialog into a pane of the form.


(This version not yet published).
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