B4J Question B4J runs well under Wine

Alessandra Pellegri

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Longtime User
There was already a tutorial but it is a little old.
For me worked:
- Install WineTricks
    - Create a 32 bit profile
    - Install .NET 4.52
    - Install B4J
- On an windows system download and install jdk-8u271-windows-i586.
    - Copy Java folder resulting from installation under a Linux folder (user accessible)
- Open B4j and configure paths pointing the Java folder created above
- Change MaxRamForDex field in the INI file (under %AppData%\Anywhere Software\B4J), put to 1024
- You are ready

When you create a new project use a folder under your linux home and not under virtual c:

The only issue I had is that for the first times B4j was saying me "INI file not found" but that problem disappeared after some rebooting of the B4J. I don't know why. I think that with a very little effort B4j and its brothers would be fully Linux compliant.

At the moment (few tests) it appears everything working GOOD, also the designer.
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