In 2007, I was writing programs for Pocket PC. I was debating whether to use Microsoft's development tools or basic4ppc. In the end, I used Microsoft. But now, Microsoft's tools have disappeared, and basic4ppc has become an almighty b4x!
I am now happily using b4a/b4j/b4r
Thanks for reply. Seeing my experiance also i can understand that b4x team have been providing excellent support and updates. The community member also very very supportive.
But today in this web era, web applications and pwa are more prominent.
I have seen too much posts about b4x native development but not that much about b4j. So i thought b4x is more inclined towards native developement. So in future i just want to be cleared from any b4x authority that b4j and perticularly web development will also get more and more support as like in b4a?
Because if it is so, i can shift from php or js or asp - to b4j.
But thank u so much for you reply.