Wish [B4J][WebApp] Drag n Drop Form-Grid-Table Creator


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there,

well creating webapp is very easy with b4j... but styling or adding client-side ui it is taking much time...
So i don;t know what will be the selection between react.js<>vanilla js<>jquery...
But for sure B4j Webapps need a form/grid/table builder may be with a preview-html browser

I wish a form-grid-table builder that will not also simple but will include calculations between fields... or sum, or avg at rows/cols
Will be cool ofcourse if having extra features... like charts, image, preloaders, animations etc etc... (do i need many things ?)

But if there is any good offline software without need paying for a life - i am here to listen/read !

I am not sure if that i want is making B4X -> Tool for WEB Design too... but will be great !

ps: Ofcourse here in forum we have cool tries like BVAD3 and BANano + but not so simple like drag n drop... hope next versions and features give them more drag-n-drop power !


Licensed User
Longtime User
ABMaterial seems great but i didn't know that has Drag n Drop designer... ? where is it ?
It does not. Only BANano uses the Abstract Designer, together with Live Preview in your browser when running in debug mode.

ABMaterial does only have a grid builder (but no components can be placed in it. Those must be done by code)



Licensed User
Longtime User
We use both in our company. There was a demand for something like BANano as the components in ABMaterial have their limitations, while BANano is virtually limitless. But it comes at a price of course. Or the user is protected from all that is html/css/javascript (which some prefer indeed) and then they can use ABM, accepting its limitations. Or one can use BANano + BANanoServer with all its freedom and the same power as ABM, but at least some basic knowledge of the web stuff is needed.
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