Share My Creation B4JPrompt - The beginning of a Sqlite Repl


Update to Sqlite Repl, 07/31/2017

Implemented RECORDS command. This returns the number of records in the Current Query, or the number of records in the Current Table.

Fixed an incomplete sentence regarding HTMLINPUT in the instructions, and added examples for the RECORDS command.

Worked out a better way to bring back previous commands, with the UP and DOWN arrow keys, at the prompt.

This is a work in progress, so I wasn’t planning to share it for at least another few months.

But in case I get too busy after they announce some new projects at the office later this week, I’m putting it on the forum, now.

Lots & lots to do and fix and clean. But some of the Sqlite commands might be useful to some. Actually, the way it’s going, the project might be better named ‘Sqlite Repl’, rather than ‘B4JPrompt’.

Sample commands can be found in B4JPrompt_Instructions.txt, but some of that document is reproduced here:

Sample commands:
(Note, for database commands, place the sqlite database in your application File.DirApp folder.)

To quit, type QUIT:





List contents of file test.txt, in working folder:

LIST FILE test.txt

Random text generated by

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To clear the output box, just type CLEAR


Database commands:

SET DATABASE TO chinook.db





Structure of table albums in chinook.db:
Field name,Field Type,Not Null,Primary Key
AlbumId, INTEGER, 1, 1
Title, NVARCHAR(160), 1, 0
ArtistId, INTEGER, 1, 0

SET FIELDS TO Title,ArtistId


Title| ArtistId
For Those About To Rock We Salute You | 1
Balls to the Wall | 2
Restless and Wild | 2
Let There Be Rock | 1
Big Ones | 3
Jagged Little Pill | 4
Facelift | 5
Warner 25 Anos | 6
Plays Metallica By Four Cellos | 7
Audioslave | 8

For further commands, look at B4JPrompt_Instructions.txt, or scan through the code, specifically the ExecuteUDFS module.


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Update to Sqlite Repl, 07/31/2017

Implemented RECORDS command. This returns the number of records in the Current Query, or the number of records in the Current Table.

Fixed an incomplete sentence regarding HTMLINPUT in the instructions, and added examples for the RECORDS command.

Worked out a better way to bring back previous commands, with the UP and DOWN arrow keys, at the prompt.