Wish B4R Code Snippets or Tricks and Tips sub-forum


Licensed User
Longtime User
I guess the title says it all...

Every other IDE has a Snippets Sub-forum, B4R shouldn't be any different.
Even a Ticks & Tips would be a great addition...
And since B4R has a HUGE hardware side to it, a Electronics sub-forum should also be considered... Maybe all into one? or even as a sub-level of the snippets...

Robert Gately

Licensed User
I found this thread before starting a new one and figured that my wish is similar.

I would like to see an (B4R) "Examples" menu item under File, like the one in the Arduino IDE. Having so many examples, built into the IDE, made it very easy for me to learn Arduino quickly. Another option would be to download a collection of examples in a ZIP file. I know that B4R is a new product and will take time to develop fully, so I'll be patient.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just opened this forum to post the same wish.. What a coincidence!
The difference between b4r and the other tools is, b4r is not just software and for each example you also need to a few electronic components. So the one good and meaningful name of the dub Forum could be "Design examples" also the software should be named firmware.. Arduino calls it sketch.
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