B4R Question B4R for M5Stack?


New Member
I am new on B4R, just found it today.
Would like to program the M5Stack (ESP32) with B4R.

I did a lot projects with Bascom, C, Arduino, etc. and AVR MCUs.

So, my simple question is:
Is M5Stack supported by B4R?
Can it be used with same libraries as in Arduino?
I have to use the display, UART, RS485, CAN and Wifi of the M5Stack.

Sorry for this question, but this is not really clear for me.
Unfortunately I have less time for experiments and searching for solutions, if M5Stack is not supported completely.

Thanks for your help in advance!


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Longtime User
M5Stack is described as having ESP32 as the core.
It looks like a wrapper board like the NodeMCU boards for previous ESP8266 controller.

And it means that it's supported by B4R, if you know how to identify the port names of the ESP32 controller (used in the B4R code) and their pin names of the M5Stack boards.


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