Android Example [B4X] AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon

In this example I will show you how you can add a small icon to an item and customize it to your needs.

A small icon is an icon that can be placed before or after the text, e.g. it symbolizes that this item is only available in the premium version.

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Add Item with a small icon
You can use the new AddItem2 function to add an item with a small icon.
BottomActionSheet.AddItem2("Item #4",Null,BottomActionSheet.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE897),True,25dip,xui.Color_White),4)

You can specify the position, size and a gap of the small icon.
You can only customize it before the item is added.
    BottomActionSheet.ItemSmallIconProperties.HorizontalAlignment = BottomActionSheet.HorizontalAlignment_AfterText
    BottomActionSheet.ItemSmallIconProperties.VerticalAlignment = BottomActionSheet.VerticalAlignment_Top
    BottomActionSheet.ItemSmallIconProperties.LeftGap = 5dip
    BottomActionSheet.ItemSmallIconProperties.WidthHeight = 15dip