Going from March to April it performs a strange display by repeating the empty month of March and putting only a few days of April. In the following months the situation did not recover.
Is this a bug?
Set all the settings you want to make and then call .Rebuild. If you call up .Rebuild and then .Refresh immediately afterwards, it will run into an error because it takes a while to build the list.
In March, when I press the right arrow to go to April, it shows me at the top (as if they were the first days of the month) only the 29th and 30th of April. If I press again to go to May, it always shows me up from the 27th to the 31st... and so on for the following months.
DateTime.SetTimeZone should affect the conversions of dates to ticks and viceversa: Is it correct? If so, where is my error in this code? Dim AbsTicks As Long = AbsDateTicks(DateTime.Now) '------------------------------------------------ Sub AbsDateTicks(DateTicks As Long) As Long Dim...
SetTimeZone(0) before every DateTime method? Hi all I am trying this code and the result of c is not 01:00:00 if the timezone of my device is not 0. Dim a As Long Dim b As Long Dim c As Long a = DateTime.Now b = a - DateTime.TicksPerHour Log (DateTime.Time(a)) Log...
Because if I don't put it it recognizes the difference between the time zone of the system and that of the control. I need a perfect value at 0:00:00 because I build an index with it. However, I try to remove that value and correct the value for building the index from the code.
I'll try and tell you.