Android Example [B4X] AS Settings - Action Property

This property is used, for example, to manage properties that are on another page. Or to open links, open a picker so that the user can select something, a date for example.

'Action Button
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_4","Action Property","",Null,"English")
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_5","Icon","",AS_Settings1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF179),False,30,xui.Color_White),"English, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish")
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_6","Pro Feature","",Null,"Pro")
This property has its own event to react when the user has clicked on this property, e.g. to open another page or to open a link in the browser
Private Sub AS_Settings1_ActionClicked(Property As AS_Settings_Property)
    Log("ActionClicked: " & Property.PropertyName)
    Select Property.PropertyName
        Case "PropertyName_4"
            'Do something
        Case "PropertyName_5"
            'Do something
        Case "PropertyName_6"
            'Do something
    End Select

End Sub
CustomDrawProperty Event
In a custom draw event you can change the complete appearance of a property and also add new views or remove existing views.
Private Sub AS_Settings1_CustomDrawProperty(CustomDrawProperty As AS_Settings_CustomDrawProperty)
    Select CustomDrawProperty.Property.PropertyName
        Case "PropertyName_6" 'Creates the green "Pro" chip
            Dim ChipWidth As Float = 45dip
            Dim ChipHeight As Float = 20dip
            Dim xlbl_ProVersionChip As B4XView = CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.ActionValueLabel
            Dim xlbl_ActionButtonArrowLabel As B4XView = CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.ActionButtonArrowLabel
            xlbl_ProVersionChip.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(15)
            'Resize the Chip Label
            xlbl_ProVersionChip.SetLayoutAnimated(0,xlbl_ActionButtonArrowLabel.Left - ChipWidth - 5dip,CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.BackgroundPanel.Height/2 - ChipHeight/2,ChipWidth,ChipHeight)
    End Select
End Sub
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