[B4X] [XUI] AS Settings
Introducing a new library that allows you to create your own settings page with minimal code. This library comes equipped with automatic saving and loading features, making it incredibly easy to manage your settings. It supports booleans, free text, numbers, comboboxes, action buttons and more...

This property is used, for example, to manage properties that are on another page. Or to open links, open a picker so that the user can select something, a date for example.
'Action Button
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_4","Action Property","",Null,"English")
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_5","Icon","",AS_Settings1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xF179),False,30,xui.Color_White),"English, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish")
AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Action("Basic","PropertyName_6","Pro Feature","",Null,"Pro")
This property has its own event to react when the user has clicked on this property, e.g. to open another page or to open a link in the browser
Private Sub AS_Settings1_ActionClicked(Property As AS_Settings_Property)
Log("ActionClicked: " & Property.PropertyName)
Select Property.PropertyName
Case "PropertyName_4"
'Do something
Case "PropertyName_5"
'Do something
Case "PropertyName_6"
'Do something
End Select
End Sub
In a custom draw event you can change the complete appearance of a property and also add new views or remove existing views.
Private Sub AS_Settings1_CustomDrawProperty(CustomDrawProperty As AS_Settings_CustomDrawProperty)
Select CustomDrawProperty.Property.PropertyName
Case "PropertyName_6" 'Creates the green "Pro" chip
Dim ChipWidth As Float = 45dip
Dim ChipHeight As Float = 20dip
Dim xlbl_ProVersionChip As B4XView = CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.ActionValueLabel
Dim xlbl_ActionButtonArrowLabel As B4XView = CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.ActionButtonArrowLabel
xlbl_ProVersionChip.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(15)
'Resize the Chip Label
xlbl_ProVersionChip.SetLayoutAnimated(0,xlbl_ActionButtonArrowLabel.Left - ChipWidth - 5dip,CustomDrawProperty.PropertySettingViews.BackgroundPanel.Height/2 - ChipHeight/2,ChipWidth,ChipHeight)
End Select
End Sub
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