Android Example [B4X] AS Settings - ColorChooser Property

This setting allows users to select a color. For example, to change the main app color, which is a premium feature in most apps.

The size of the circles can be freely defined.

Mixed example with group:
    Dim lst_Colors As List
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 49, 208, 89))
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 25, 29, 31))
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 9, 131, 254))
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 255, 159, 10))
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 45, 136, 121))
    lst_Colors.Add(AS_Settings1.CreateColorItem(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 73, 98, 164),False)) 'This item is deactivated and cannot be selected
    lst_Colors.Add(AS_Settings1.CreateColorItem(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 221, 95, 96),False)) 'This item is deactivated and cannot be selected
    lst_Colors.Add(AS_Settings1.CreateColorItem(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 141, 68, 173),False))'This item is deactivated and cannot be selected

    'With Group

You can add an icon which is displayed in the center right, e.g. to show that this is a premium feature and not available for free users.

Disable Items
You can deactivate items that are then not selectable for users. If the user clicks on such a disabled item, the DisabledItemClicked event is triggered and the developer can react to it to signal to the user that this item is disabled.

Just add a item to the list with the CreateColorItem function and set the enabled property to False
    Dim lst_Colors As List
    lst_Colors.Add(xui.Color_Magenta) 'This item is selectable
    lst_Colors.Add(AS_Settings1.CreateColorItem(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 73, 98, 164),False)) 'This item is deactivated and cannot be selected
    lst_Colors.Add(AS_Settings1.CreateColorItem(xui.Color_ARGB(255, 221, 95, 96),False)) 'This item is deactivated and cannot be selected

DisabledItemClicked Event
This event is triggered when the user clicks on a deactivated item.
You can then react to this and, for example, inform the user that this is only selectable in the Premium version.
Private Sub AS_Settings1_DisabledItemClicked(Property As AS_Settings_Property, Value As Object)
End Sub

ValueChanged Event
When the user selects an item, the ValueChanged event is triggered as normal and the value is the color defined for the item.
Private Sub AS_Settings1_ValueChanged(Property As AS_Settings_Property, Value As Object)
    Select Property.PropertyName
        Case "AppColor"
            LogColor("ValueChanged AppColor",Value)
    End Select
End Sub

Activate all deactivated items
The following situation: Changing colors is a premium feature, the user has now purchased the premium version, now we want to make the colors selectable and preferably hide the lock icon without having to rebuild the page.
Private Sub EnableAllItems(ColorChooserProperty As AS_Settings_Property_ColorChooser)
    ColorChooserProperty.Property.Icon = Null 'Resets the icon e.g. the premium icon
    For i = 0 To ColorChooserProperty.ColorList.Size -1
        If ColorChooserProperty.ColorList.Get(i) Is AS_Settings_ColorItem Then
            ColorChooserProperty.ColorList.Get(i).As(AS_Settings_ColorItem).Enabled = True 'Enables this item
        End If
End Sub
You can get a property on the fly, with:
'To call the function like:


  • AS Settings ColorChooser
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