Java Question [B4X] AS Settings - ComboBox Property (select the same elemente)

Sergio Haurat

Active Member
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Hi @Alexander Stolte,

If I reselect the same item in the combo, "RaiseEvent" is not executed. It only fires if I change to another element. I have a process that needs to select the same element again and I can't find a way to capture the action.

Thanks for your time

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
If I reselect the same item in the combo, "RaiseEvent" is not executed. It only fires if I change to another element. I have a process that needs to select the same element again and I can't find a way to capture the action.
Unfortunately I can't do anything about it, I already return the event every time it is triggered by the ComboBox. You have to ask Erel if this is the native behavior of the B4A ComboBox or if the B4XComboBox from the XUI View library prevents this.