While converting a project to B4XPages, the following code, that worked fine before, is failing on the StartActivityForResult, getting trapped by Catch clause, triggering the "camera not available" toast message.
Since it comes straight from an old example from the forum, and was working before, I suspect a different handling of the CreateEvent part, but I'm unable to sort it out.
Since it comes straight from an old example from the forum, and was working before, I suspect a different handling of the CreateEvent part, but I'm unable to sort it out.
#region photo
Sub TakePicture(frame As PhotoFrame)
WriteLog("starting camera")
currentPhotoFrame = frame
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize("android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE", "")
File.Delete(Starter.Provider.SharedFolder, frame.ImageFilename)
Dim u As Object = Starter.provider.GetFileUri(frame.ImageFilename)
i.PutExtra("output", u) 'the image will be saved to this path
ExceptionHandler.Manage("Wizard.TakePicture", ExceptionHandler.EXCEPTION_NONCRITICAL)
ToastMessage.Show("Camera is not available.", ToastMessage.TOAST_ERR)
WriteLog("error opening camera")
End Try
End Sub
'result arrives here
Sub ion_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
If -1 = Args(0) Then
If File.Exists(Starter.provider.SharedFolder, currentPhotoFrame.ImageFilename) Then
WriteLog("no filename returned from camera")
End If
ExceptionHandler.Manage("Wizard.TakePicture_Event", ExceptionHandler.EXCEPTION_NONCRITICAL)
WriteLog("event error")
End Try
End If
Return Null
End Sub
Sub StartActivityForResult(i As Intent)
Dim jo As JavaObject = GetBA
ion = jo.CreateEvent("anywheresoftware.b4a.IOnActivityResult", "ion", Null)
jo.RunMethod("startActivityForResult", Array As Object(ion, i))
End Sub
Sub GetBA As Object
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim cls As String = Me
cls = cls.SubString("class ".Length)
Return jo.GetField("processBA")
End Sub
#End Region