Regarding to my problem/wish with merging different branches in git
I wrote a small tool as a workaround which fixes the meta information in the projectfile cleanly.
Thereby all files, libraries and modules are rearranged, reindexed and duplicates are deleted.
Just Copy the B4XProjectFixer.jar in your root projectfolder
While merging use "Accept both changes" in the projectfile (e.g .b4a). This will use all metainfos from both branches and combine them.
After merging run B4XProjectFixer.jar to fix it again.
The fixer automatically use the projectfile (b4a,b4i,b4j or b4r)
Better meta handling for git usage
We have some problems if we using github for a huge project. Especially when several people are working on it. For single private projects on which only I work I have no problems. the main problem is how the "meta" data is saved inside the actual project file. There are always parts wich...

I wrote a small tool as a workaround which fixes the meta information in the projectfile cleanly.
Thereby all files, libraries and modules are rearranged, reindexed and duplicates are deleted.
Just Copy the B4XProjectFixer.jar in your root projectfolder
While merging use "Accept both changes" in the projectfile (e.g .b4a). This will use all metainfos from both branches and combine them.
After merging run B4XProjectFixer.jar to fix it again.
The fixer automatically use the projectfile (b4a,b4i,b4j or b4r)