The layout should be made of a "base panel" that holds all other views.
The base panel is then replaced with an ImageView and returned back at the end of the animation.
'Type in globals:
Type PixelGroup (SrcX As Int, SrcY As Int, x As Float, y As Float, dx As Float, dy As Float)
Sub ImplodeLayout(BasePanel As B4XView, NumberOfSteps As Int) As ResumableSub
#if debug
Log("Animation disabled in debug mode.")
Return True
#End If
Dim scale As Float = 100dip / 100
Dim bc As BitmapCreator
Dim GroupSize As Int = 6 'you can play with this size to change the effect.
Dim iv As ImageView
Dim xiv As B4XView = iv
Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = BasePanel.Snapshot
BasePanel.Parent.AddView(xiv, BasePanel.Left, BasePanel.Top, BasePanel.Width, BasePanel.Height)
Dim w As Int = xiv.Width / scale / GroupSize
Dim h As Int = xiv.Height / scale / GroupSize
bc.Initialize(w * GroupSize, h * GroupSize)
Dim source As BitmapCreator
source.Initialize(bc.mWidth, bc.mHeight)
Dim steps As Int = NumberOfSteps
Dim pgs(w, h) As PixelGroup
For x = 0 To w - 1
For y = 0 To h - 1
Dim pg As PixelGroup = pgs(x, y)
pg.SrcX = x * GroupSize
pg.Srcy = y * GroupSize
Select Rnd(0, 4)
Case 0
pg.x = 0
pg.y = Rnd(0, bc.mHeight)
Case 1
pg.x = bc.mWidth - 1
pg.y = Rnd(0, bc.mHeight)
Case 2
pg.x = Rnd(0, bc.mWidth)
pg.y = 0
Case 3
pg.x = Rnd(0, bc.mWidth)
pg.y = bc.mHeight - 1
End Select
pg.dx = (pg.SrcX - pg.x) / steps
pg.dy = (pg.SrcY - pg.y) / steps
Dim r As B4XRect
r.Initialize(0, 0, 0, 0)
For i = 0 To steps - 1
bc.FillRect(xui.Color_Transparent, bc.TargetRect)
For x = 0 To w - 1
For y = 0 To h - 1
Dim pg As PixelGroup = pgs(x, y)
pg.x = pg.x + pg.dx
pg.y = pg.y + pg.dy
r.Left = pg.SrcX
r.Right = pg.SrcX + GroupSize
r.Top = pg.SrcY
r.Bottom = pg.SrcY + GroupSize
bc.DrawBitmapCreator(source, r, pg.x, pg.y, True)
xiv.Parent.AddView(BasePanel, xiv.Left, xiv.Top, xiv.Width, xiv.Height)
Return True
End Sub
Depends on BitmapCreator (additional library for B4A and B4J:
Tested in B4J. Should also work in B4A and B4i.
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