iOS Question B4X - firebase anonymous auth

Tomas Petrus

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Hey guys,
I would like to implement firebase notifications to get rid of most SMS that we are using for notifications now.

I hope I already figured out the sending part, but I am stuck in the user authentification part..

We have implemented auth by google in B4A version of the APPs a while ago.

I tried to find the solution for anonymous auth to cover users that dont want to auth by google. But i got lost on the forum between all the alternatives... what is recomended solution now for cross platform anonymous firebase auth for B4i and b4A?

I also wanted to implement apple firebase auth for iOS, but as I have readed in the tutorial, there is requirement for NON wildcard provisioning profile... We are using wildcard provisioning profile for all apps a renewing it is same pain each year. Make adhoc and store provisioning profiles individualy for each app and renew it on yearly basis would be hell.

Any suggestions on both things ?


Tomas Petrus

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Well I get it for apple auth and I can part with that.

But for anonymous firebase auth for b4i and b4a what is recomended approach ?
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Tomas Petrus

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Apple auth
total 40+ applicatons. with diferent name, appid, brand, config, same Code.

sometimes I update all of them sometime just some of them.

First I should handle scripts for diferent provisioning profiles for each app build - well this is one time issue so no that big deal.

But then each profile will expire in different time clients come and go ... so even if on the start you do them all then in time the expiration times go wild...
Then you want update 20 apps, you have to check all the profiles manualy if they didnt expire, if so generate new, download, implement, test and then update...
publish etc.

Atm appids are non wildcard profile is not.

So it is relly not 5 minutes and its thing that cannot be automatized.

So thats why I would like to avoid it at the moment.

And also it is not as important as anonymous auth for both platforms...
So what is the reccomended way to implement anonymous auth for both platforms ?
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