B4X Game Development Forum


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Fellow game developers and enthusiasts,

With Erel's approval, I'd like like to share a new sub-forum called "B4x Game Development", where we'll be able to have in-depth technical discussions, entirely focused on videogame development.


Everyone's welcome!! There are open moderator positions.

Rules and guidelines:

  • You may not post any direct links to any B4X library, as per Erel's request.
  • Usernames must be the same on both b4x.com and gamedev boards.
  • Only licensed b4x.com users may have access to the Advanced Programming section.
  • Sync between b4x.com / gamedev is done through verification code.
  • As a guideline, you should follow the same rules enforced on b4x.com

Despite this forum being ad-supported, none of generated revenue is mine.

Erel, if I may have your final approval, I'll post the link.

EDIT: Thank you, Erel!!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Just curious but why a separate forum?
Wouldn't it be easier to make a section here in the forum?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I think that this topic is very big so it would be a good idea to have a seperate only game forum for b4x
I think to understand each other better, we need to see the whole structure of Game Development forum.
After this it's possible to consider two options: Create a separate section on b4x forum, or create a separate forum.


Licensed User
Longtime User

Here it is!!

Please register with the same username you use in here.
Once you registered, I'll send you an activation code in the gamedev forum which you'll have to report back to me in b4x.com.

wonder@gamedev --> CODE --> username01@gamedev --> Copy/Paste --> username01@b4x.com (licensed) --> CODE --> wonder@b4x.com

What specifications do we need to become a moderator? How many moderators will there be?
Just be passionate about games and promise to keep an eye on the forum content.
If you'd like to become a mod, just send me a private msg.

I'd like to personally invite @Erel, @Informatix, @ilan and @walterf25 to become moderators.


Licensed User
Longtime User
The forum is ad supported, why? The most thing i liked about b4x.com is that it is ad free. Do you need a sponsore for that forum?


Licensed User
Longtime User
The forum is ad supported, why? The most thing i liked about b4x.com is that it is ad free. Do you need a sponsore for that forum?

Well, pretty much...

Feel free to use ad-block, I'm not making any money out of it!


Licensed User
Longtime User
I dont like to use adblockers and i think ads will not motivate people to visit that forum and join it. I saw there is a possibility to purchase a no ad package for x views.

Does it include all users or only for the user that putchase the package?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I dont like to use adblockers and i think ads will not motivate people to visit that forum and join it. I saw there is a possibility to purchase a no ad package for x views.

Does it include all users or only for the user that putchase the package?
It's a free forum, I just wanted to create a place for B4X game developers to hang-out and talk about videogames.

As the admin, I think it only makes sense to pay for a monthly subscription once we reach a certain userbase number. I'd say 1000 users.


Licensed User
Longtime User
It cost 8$ for 1 month (50.000 page views) so nothing enormous.

So if we reach 50-100 users i will pay the first 2 month


Licensed User
Longtime User
Btw i have registred and activated my account. Am i now already a real game expert

(PS: during the registration process i had to pass a captcha, i must say that this is the most stupid captcha i have ever seen, i had to find from 9 cartoon painted images a women and drag it to the center while all characters had long hairs. i failed 3 times )


Well-Known Member
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Before if I wanted to find something reating to B4x. I went to b4x and searched. Now it will be necessary to search on two separate forums ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Before if I wanted to find something reating to B4x. I went to b4x and searched. Now it will be necessary to search on two separate forums ?

good question. i dont think that i will post any code (tutorial) in the game forum without posting it here too. i think the game forum will more be a extended chit chat forum.
dont worry we stay loyal to b4x.com and anywhere software


Licensed User
Longtime User
Before if I wanted to find something reating to B4x. I went to b4x and searched. Now it will be necessary to search on two separate forums ?
No, b4x.com will be always the primary forum.
If you want, however, to find something very videogame specific, you may consider searching in gamedev as well...


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Now I agree with
Just curious but why a separate forum?
Wouldn't it be easier to make a section here in the forum?

If create separate sections on b4x.com, someting like (see below), then both goals will be achieved. Separate forums for Game development and everything in one place without problems with searching and necessity to do double work - post information on two forums and etc.

B4A - Development tool for native Android apps
B4i - Development tool for iOS devices
B4J - Free tool for Desktop, Server and IoT apps

Game Development - B4A
  Game Development - B4A Questions

Game Development - B4i
  Game Development - B4i Questions

Game Development - B4J
  Game Development - B4J Questions

Foreign Languages
Other Products


Licensed User
Longtime User
EREL's position on a separate Game Dev Specific Sub-Forum has always been very clear... and always was a BIG NO-NO.
And I can understand why, Game dev can very easily obfuscate everything else in the forum, and give the sense that it is no long a B4X forum, but a B4Games forum.
Same thing with automatized library updating soft dev.

I aplaude wonder's decision on creating a separate forum!
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