B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Inline Data Capture for Use in Development and Testing

I have done this so many times, I finally decided to formalize it.
Say you want to create a small data set for testing. You can grab something from Excel, Word, or an old File and copy it to the Clipboard.
While in the IDE, you can then paste it in the smart string section of the Sub shown below (or if it is reasonable small just type it in).
It converts it then into a civilized list of string arrays. Of course if you already do this or are used to setting up a separate testing file. Then this is not for you.

Edit: After looking at the CSVParser of @Erel I realize I could optimize my routine considerably (surprise, surprise!) The new code below is the result.

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    'MainForm = Form1        'the example is for B4J but it works the same in B4A and B4i
    Dim render As List        'used here for efficient log(ging) of arrays (lists can be logged, arrays not)
    Dim theData As List = InlineData
    'NOTE: If there are headers they will be in first item, so you may take first record (Or NOT, if there are no headers)
    Dim headers() As String = theData.Get(0): theData.RemoveAt(0)    'for simple related statements, I sometimes combine them, but never more than 2
    render.Initialize2(headers)        'converts an array of strings to a list - only for easy display in the log
    'Now the data is a list of string arrays - use as needed
    For Each d() As String In theData
        Log($"Array size: ${render.Size} item 2 is ${d(2)}"$ & TAB & render)
        '"" & render.Size & " item 2 is ")
    'MainForm.Show        'If you don't need the form, just don't show it (avoids having separate non-UI modules)
End Sub

#Region Inline Data Capture        'Collapsing regions is a good way to hide auxilliary code

Sub InlineData As List
    Dim data As String = $"
field1, field2, field3, field4
    Return parseCVS(data)
End Sub

Sub parseCVS(s As String) As List
    'There are other solutions for doing this - this "state machine" is simpler than using regular expression
    Dim workingArea As StringBuilder: workingArea.Initialize

    Dim result As List: result.Initialize
    Dim lastRow As List: lastRow.Initialize

    Dim maxLineLength As Int = -1
    Dim skipNext As Boolean = False
    Dim inQuote As Boolean = False
    Dim prevChar As String = s.CharAt(0)
    Dim currentChar As String

    For i = 1 To s.Length - 1
        currentChar = s.CharAt(i)
        If skipNext Then
            skipNext = False
            If inQuote Then
                If prevChar = QUOTE And currentChar = QUOTE Then
                    skipNext = True
                Else if prevChar = QUOTE Then
                    inQuote = False
                End If
            Else if prevChar = QUOTE Then
                inQuote = True
                If prevChar = "," Or prevChar = TAB Then
                Else If prevChar = Chr(13) Or prevChar = Chr(10) Then
                    If lastRow.Size > maxLineLength Then maxLineLength = lastRow.Size
                    Dim lastRow As List: lastRow.Initialize
                    If currentChar = Chr(13) Or currentChar = Chr(10) Then skipNext = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
        prevChar = currentChar
    'This section will extract the actual data and normalize the lines to string arrays of the same max line length
    Dim actualData As Boolean = False
    Dim cleanResult As List: cleanResult.Initialize
    For Each line As List In result
        If line.Size>0 Then
            Dim firstItem As String = line.get(0)
            If actualData = False And firstItem.startsWith("____") Then
                actualData = True
            Else if firstItem.startsWith("____") Then
                actualData = False
            Else if actualData Then
                Dim w(maxLineLength) As String
                For j = 0 To line.size - 1               
                    w(j) = line.Get(j)
            End If
        End If
    Return cleanResult
End Sub

#End Region
Last edited:

William Lancee

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Longtime User
I missed that @Erel.

My version has been around so long I forgot how it started. It is similar to your CSVParser.

I edited the above code a bit to optimize, simplify, and capitalize on B4X features.