B4X Members Online Meeting on 4th September 2023 (16:00 - 17:00 UTC)


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Longtime User
B4X Members Online Meet
Monday, September 4 16:00 – 17:00 UTC (Check your local time)
Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ebw-kghi-pbn

Add to your Google calendar:

You are invited!
Please send me a private message with your google email for RSVP.
Tell us if you are interested to become one of the speakers or suggest a topic.

RSVP List:
  1. @aeric (host)
  2. @Magma
  3. @Cableguy
  4. @jahswant
  5. @emexes
  6. @bdunkleysmith
  7. @Alexander Stolte
  8. @Andrew (Digitwell)
  9. @imbault
  10. @teddybear
  11. @yiankos1
  12. @mfstuart
  13. @Oswaldo Sanchez
  14. @Gandalf
  15. @prajinpraveen
  16. @CaptKronos
  17. @sanjog shakya
  18. @José J. Aguilar
  19. @MikeH
  20. @instahery
  21. @NetChain
  1. Present yourself (Self introduction)
  2. Current project using B4X
  3. Suggestion to improve B4X tools
  4. Suggestion to promote B4X language
  5. Collaboration within the members

Check the summary in post #60
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Agenda (Topics to be discussed)?
Its up to us to come up with one!!

I would suggest as first topic a "present yourself" going around every attendee.
Then, either free Q&A either disccus current projects, future ones, wishes for the Suite, etc


Licensed User
Longtime User
WIll there be a public atendee list?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm guessing the second one, but I have no idea of what RSVP means.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have no idea of what RSVP means.
It's French - "Respondez si vou plais" = "Please reply". It is used on formal invitations in the UK to request that the receiver of the invitation replies as to whether they will be attending or not.

Oops - Ninjaed by @Sandman!


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am excited with the meeting coming soon... hope to see all the members ... and share their knowledge or just see each other - know each other...

May be is the beginning of new partnerships...

A good topic is... the certification/signing of apps, programs.... have an idea making a group of reviewers of code(for open source)... that will share the cost to many... think about it..

We can talk for every thing...
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