B4X Members Online Meeting on 4th September 2023 (16:00 - 17:00 UTC)


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Longtime User
Well done @aeric and others for organising this.

Sorry I did not attend ( I don't do video calls )


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I want to congratulate with everyone that was in.
I was unable to attend this one but maybe I will do in the future, especially if I will be at home at that time. ?
@aeric did a great job organizing the meeting.
I saw the idea was launched even by other users in different threads.
Well done. Well done.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Good job @aeric.
Some pointers for a next meeting:
- assign a moderator so that contributors can be more involved
- a different time setting of course
- the attendance of @Erel would be great
- limit the switching of windows to a minimum
- consider using the whiteboard to take some notes during the meeting
I hope i can attend next time...


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Special thanks to @Magma
I just extend his idea and together we prepare for it.

I just think that we should not wait for others to start. We should initiate and take the lead. This is the spirit I learn from this community. If no one have ever created a solution, I will create it. When no Kanban board, @PaulMeuris created it, not only for B4J but also B4A. When no Web API, I create it. If we continue this spirit, B4X shall grow stronger.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Special thanks to @Magma
I just extend his idea and together we prepare for it.

I just think that we should not wait for others to start. We should initiate and take the lead. This is the spirit I learn from this community. If no one have ever created a solution, I will create it. When no Kanban board, @PaulMeuris created it, not only for B4J but also B4A. When no Web API, I create it. If we continue this spirit, B4X shall grow stronger.
I didn't orgranized anything... you did it all... was running out of time until 19:00 (16:00 UTC)... kids - family, work...

Hope the other time have time... we can choose perhaps a Sunday (morning for Greece... 8:00~9:00am - so may be the time will be better for more attenders)
and we can prepare some text (at least for me)... becuase I really can;t express my ideas easily in English ... :-(

So next Time... will be better... and may be we can have a person guide us better...

But I ve really enjoyed and I was happy to know all you guys, see faces, expressions, behind the keyboard and posts!

Alexander Stolte

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Provide a platform for server services such Amazon, Database and API to make developing B4X apps more easier.


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Maybe some day we will see Erel this way!



Well-Known Member
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Indeed Alexander,

Your library will make jRDC2 server, mariaDB, VPS, CyberSecurity a little bit obsolete. Now, i am finishing my project and i configured all of them (frontend-backend-database) by my self. If only it was available, it would saved me much much time.

Anyway, i will contribute you again and i will try it out with a new project.
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Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Your library will make jRDC2 server, mariaDB, VPS, CyberSecurity a little bit obsolete.
This is also the reason why I never published my 2 social media apps, because the effort and maintenance was too enormous. And I also had no confidence in the security.
Anyway, i would contribute you again and i will try it out with a new project.
Thank you very much!


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Longtime User
...we ve forgot... the lucky spin... for the gift... from my shop: magma.gr (MAGMA Multimedia Productions)

and the winner is... Rob (not know which user is exactly from forum)

he can PM to receive his gift ! (an Antivirus I/S for 1 year)
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Well-Known Member
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First, thanks and congratulate everyone who make it a successful meeting. We came from different countries and timezones, sacrifice our precious time for the good of B4X. I hope this would not be the last one.

Here is the list I can come out with for the summary:

  1. Everyone uses B4X for different purposes whether as a professional or hobbyist.
  2. Everyone agrees that B4X is a great tool to develop cross platform solutions.
  3. Some members use different programming languages or technologies such as Visual Basic, .NET, Elixir, GPS, PTT to integrate with B4X.
  4. Members mentioned about Business forum, how we can well utilize this section for team collaboration.
  5. Members would like to organize small social media group such as Telegram to get more responsive help.
  6. Provide a platform for server services such Amazon, Database and API to make developing B4X apps more easier.
  7. Concern about the future of B4X IDE.
  8. Suggestion to improve B4X IDE: User friendly templates for beginners to quick start a project.
  9. Suggestion for B4X forum: Ability to filter the posts with source code only in "Share my creation"
  10. Erel answers a lot of questions. There are also many other helpful members to help.

I apologize for not paying much attention during the meeting as I was quite sleepy and try to figure out the Google Meet interface.
If I miss any point, please feel free to add below.
This should be pinned to the first post


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Suggestion @aeric
The next meetup call for talks ahead. Anybody who would like to present or do live demonstration on any aspect of B4X can submit his topic and duration it will take. You can also put some topics on board, for anyone who wants to apply and take us through it.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Suggestion @aeric
The next meetup call for talks ahead. Anybody who would like to present or do live demonstration on any aspect of B4X can submit his topic and duration it will take. You can also put some topics on board, for anyone who wants to apply and take us through it.
Whatever. I may not be the next organizer.?
Anyone can create a new event and see who is interested to join. Just plan for it.
Maybe a new open source project.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Nice initiative. Watched parts of the videos.
If you do it again, I will try to join...