Three functions that might be useful.
Given the right observation by @Mahares (post #4), I modified the first two functions to take "case insensitive" into account.
Note: I know very little about regular expressions (sooner or later I'll study them SERIOUSLY), so I don't know if it's possible to simplify/improve these functions.
Given the right observation by @Mahares (post #4), I modified the first two functions to take "case insensitive" into account.
'Returns the number of occurrences of Pattern in Text.
Sub OccurrCount(Pattern As String, Text As String, CaseSensitive As Boolean) As Int
Dim MatcherX As Matcher
Dim Counter As Int
If CaseSensitive Then
MatcherX = Regex.Matcher(Pattern, Text)
MatcherX = Regex.Matcher2(Pattern, Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Text)
End If
Counter = 0
Do While MatcherX.Find
Counter = Counter + 1
Return Counter
End Sub
Sub OccurrIndexes(SubString As String, Text As String, CaseSensitive As Boolean) As List
Dim lstResult As List : lstResult.Initialize
If CaseSensitive = False Then
SubString = SubString.ToLowerCase
Text = Text.ToLowerCase
End If
Dim StartIndex As Int = Text.IndexOf2(SubString, 0)
Dim Found As Boolean = StartIndex <> - 1
Do While Found
StartIndex = Text.IndexOf2(SubString.ToLowerCase, StartIndex + SubString.Length)
Found = StartIndex <> - 1
Return lstResult
End Sub
'Returns all numbers in Text.
Sub NumbersIn(Text As String) As List
Dim lstResult As List : lstResult.Initialize
Dim Matcher1 As Matcher = Regex.Matcher("\d+", Text)
Do While Matcher1.Find
Return lstResult
End Sub
Note: I know very little about regular expressions (sooner or later I'll study them SERIOUSLY), so I don't know if it's possible to simplify/improve these functions.
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