I must say something "here" before "go" to a next-level thing and because i feel will save us hours of talking and non-sense fight-chats.
In this Team there is no big boss - B.O.S.S. is just a name from first lettes (B4X Open Source Software) - but none of members has the management... sure some time will need one... but for start is just a team of Friend-Members-no-Rushing for everything.... (we have years... i hope)
As I mentioned we need hands - eyes - brains - may be some time... but also need to see the prospects and who will take parts of code. So many members of B4X - that they are Experts, Super-Programmers, Great Guys, even new members (Licensed) are all Wecome...
but the main here is the coding part... so...
As team members, we need to respect each other. Just some basic requirements and anyone is welcome to negotiate. Overall, we hope everyone is happy working on this project. (aeric words)
Is not only the coding style but the commitment given by the members of the team. Each member may have different skills.
The reason I am asking at PM some questions (sometimes it isn't because i don't know the member) - is to see general member profile, if like sharing (so will be a good member), the way of Coding and what likes to code, so asking some links with snippets already shared... - also asking for member's ideas/opinions..
As for management of the Team will decide all together, when more members contribute/participate. for first we must "target" at our skills and what will be nice for all...
So yes, we need members - but members will help us...
* Also... for our communication using WhatsApp (Selected from September - not using too) - but is something we already started there... so will need phone no / email at private discussion
* And ofcourse we ve started use GitHub...