PocketBase was created to assist building self-contained applications that can run on a single server without requiring to install anything in addition.
The basic idea is that the common functionality like crud, auth, files upload, auto TLS, etc. are handled out of the box, allowing you to focus on the UI and your actual app business requirements.
Please note that PocketBase is neither a startup, nor a business. There is no paid team or company behind it. It is a personal open source project with intentionally limited scope and developed entirely on volunteer basis. There are no promises for maintenance and support beyond what is already available
PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file
Open Source backend in 1 file with realtime database, authentication, file storage and admin dashboard
After writing the Supabase client library for B4X, it's now time for a simpler self-hosting variant, for smaller projects that need a backend, but you don't want to write a complex API. Again, the goal is to get mentioned on the official Github repo with the B4X-Pocketbase library.
GitHub - StolteX/B4X-PocketBase
Contribute to StolteX/B4X-PocketBase development by creating an account on GitHub.
- Authentification (Social Login)
- Signin with Google
- Signin with Apple
- Sign In Anonymously
- Database
- Batch
- Realtime
- Storage
- Download with progress
Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.00
- Pocketbase
- Events:
- AuthStateChange (StateType As String)
- RangeDownloadTracker (Tracker As PocketbaseRangeDownloadTracker)
- Functions:
- Initialize (URL As String)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - InitializeEvents (Callback As Object, EventName As String)
- Initialize (URL As String)
- Properties:
- Auth As Pocketbase_Authentication [read only]
- Database As Pocketbase_Database [read only]
- LogEvents As Boolean
- Storage As Pocketbase_Storage [read only]
- URL As String [read only]
- Events:
- Pocketbase_Authentication
- Functions:
- ConfirmEmailChange (Token As String, Password As String) As ResumableSub
Confirms the password reset with the verification token from the e-mail
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.ConfirmEmailChange("xxx","Test123!")) Complete (Response As PocketbaseError)
If Response.Success Then
Log("E-Mail change successfully")
Log("Error: " & Response.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - ConfirmPasswordReset (Token As String, NewPassword As String, NewPasswordConfirm As String) As ResumableSub
Confirms the password reset with the verification token from the e-mail
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.ConfirmPasswordReset("xxx","Test123!","Test123!")) Complete (Response As PocketbaseError)
If Response.Success Then
Log("Password change successfully")
Log("Error: " & Response.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - ConfirmVerification (VerificationToken As String) As ResumableSub
Confirms the user account with the verification token from the e-mail
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.ConfirmVerification("xxx")) Complete (Success As PocketbaseError)
If Success.Success Then
Log("verification sucessfull")
Log("Error: " & Success.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - DeleteUser As ResumableSub
Delete a single users record
<code>Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.DeleteUser) Complete (Success As PocketbaseError)</code> - GetAccessToken As ResumableSub
- GetUser As ResumableSub
Gets the user object
<code>Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.GetUser) Complete (User As PocketbaseUser)</code> - Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase, EventName As String)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - isUserLoggedIn As ResumableSub
Checks if the user is logged in, renews the access token if it has expired
<code>Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.isUserLoggedIn) Complete (isLoggedIn As Boolean)</code> - Login_EmailPassword (Email As String, Password As String) As ResumableSub
Authenticate with combination of email and password
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.LogIn_EmailPassword("test@example.com","Test123!")) Complete (User As PocketbaseUser)
If User.Error.Success Then
Log("successfully logged in with " & User.Email)
Log("Error: " & User.Error.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - Logout As ResumableSub
User tokens and infos are removed from the device - RefreshToken As ResumableSub
- RequestEmailChange (NewEmail As String) As ResumableSub
Sends users email change request
On successful email change all previously issued auth tokens for the specific record will be automatically invalidated
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.RequestEmailChange("test@example.com")) Complete (Success As PocketbaseError)
If Success.Success Then
Log("E-Mail change request sent")
Log("Error: " & Success.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - RequestPasswordReset (Email As String) As ResumableSub
Sends users password reset email request
On successful password reset all previously issued auth tokens for the specific record will be automatically invalidated
wait for (xPocketbase.Auth.PasswordRecovery("test@example.com")) Complete (Response As PocketbaseError)
If Response.Success Then
Log("Recovery email sent successfully")
Log("Error: " & Response.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - RequestVerification (Email As String) As ResumableSub
Sends users account verification request
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.RequestVerification("test@example.com")) Complete (Success As PocketbaseError)
If Success.Success Then
Log("verification code send to email")
Log("Error: " & Success.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - SaveToken
- SignUp (Email As String, Password As String, PasswordConfirm As String, Options As Map) As ResumableSub
Allow your users to sign up and create a new account.
Options - Optional fields
A full list of values you find in the dashboard in the “API Preview” in the “users” collection
Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.SignUp("test@example.com","Test123!","Test123!",Null)) Complete (NewUser As PocketbaseUser)
If NewUser.Error.Success Then
Log("successfully registered with " & NewUser.Email)
Log("Error: " & NewUser.Error.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - UpdateUser (Options As Map) As ResumableSub
Update a single users record
A full list of values you find in the dashboard in the “API Preview” in the “users” collection
<code>Wait For (xPocketbase.Auth.UpdateUser(CreateMap("name":"Test Name"))) Complete (Success As PocketbaseError)</code>
- ConfirmEmailChange (Token As String, Password As String) As ResumableSub
- Properties:
- TokenInformations As PocketbaseTokenInformations [read only]
- UserCollectionName As String
Change it only if you change the default "users" table name
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_Database
- Functions:
- DeleteData As Pocketbase_DatabaseDelete
Delete a single collection record
<code>Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.DeleteData.Collection("dt_Task").Execute("43r7071wtp30l5h")) Complete (Result As PocketbaseError)</code> - Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - InsertData As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
Dim Insert As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert = xPocketbase.Database.InsertData.Collection("dt_Task")
Dim InsertMap As Map = CreateMap("Task_UserId":xPocketbase.Auth.TokenInformations.Id,"Task_Name":"Task 01","Task_CompletedAt"ocketbase_Functions.GetISO8601UTC(DateTime.Now))
Wait For (Insert.Insert(InsertMap).Execute) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
</code> - PrintTable (Table As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
- SelectData As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task").GetList(0,2,"")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
</code> - UpdateData As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
Dim UpdateRecord As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate = xPocketbase.Database.UpdateData.Collection("dt_Task")
UpdateRecord.Update(CreateMap("Task_Name":"Task 02"))
Wait For (UpdateRecord.Execute("77avq8zn44ck37m")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
- DeleteData As Pocketbase_DatabaseDelete
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_DatabaseDelete
- Functions:
- Collection (TableName As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseDelete
- Execute (RecordId As String) As ResumableSub
- Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
- Functions:
- Collection (TableName As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
- Execute As ResumableSub
- Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - Insert (ColumnValue As Map) As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
Insert one row
<code>Dim InsertMap As Map = CreateMap("Tasks_Name":"Task 01","Tasks_Checked":True,"Tasks_CreatedAt"ateUtils.TicksToString(DateTime.Now))</code> - Parameter_Expand (Expand As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
Auto expand record relations. - Parameter_Fields (Fields As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseInsert
Comma separated string of the fields to return in the JSON response (by default returns all fields).
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Fields("Task_Name,Task_CompletedAt")</code> - Parameter_Files (Files As List)
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
- Functions:
- Collection (TableName As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
- GetCustom
Create your own query with all available filters
Use the "Parameter_" properties
Dim CustomQuery As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect = xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task")
CustomQuery.Parameter_Sort("-Task_Name") 'DESC
Wait For (CustomQuery.GetCustom) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
xPocketbase.Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult)</code> - GetFirstListItem (Filter As String, Expand As String) As ResumableSub
Returns the first found list item by the specified filter.
<code> Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task").GetFirstListItem("","")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
xPocketbase.Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult)</code> - GetFullList (Sort As String) As ResumableSub
Returns a list with all items batch fetched at once.
<code Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task").GetFullList("-Task_Name")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
xPocketbase.Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult)</code> - GetList (Page As Int, PerPage As Int, Filter As String) As ResumableSub
Returns paginated items list.
Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task").GetList(0,2,"")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
xPocketbase.Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult)</code> - GetOne (RecordID As String) As ResumableSub
Returns single item by its ID.
<code> Wait For (xPocketbase.Database.SelectData.Collection("dt_Task").GetOne("77avq8zn44ck37m")) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
xPocketbase.Database.PrintTable(DatabaseResult)</code> - Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - Parameter_Expand (Expand As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
Auto expand record relations. - Parameter_Fields (Fields As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
Comma separated string of the fields to return in the JSON response (by default returns all fields).
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Fields("Task_Name,Task_CompletedAt")</code> - Parameter_Filter (Filter As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
Filter the returned records.
Single filter:
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Filter("Task_Name='Task 05'")</code>
Multiple filter:
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Filter("Task_Name='Task 05' && Task_UserId='86jzh49x5k2m387'")</code> - Parameter_Page (Page As Int) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
The page (aka. offset) of the paginated list (default to 1).
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Page(0)</code> - Parameter_PerPage (perPage As Int) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
Specify the max returned records per page (default to 30).
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_PerPage(4)</CustomQuery.Parameter_PerPage(4)> - Parameter_SkipTotal (skipTotal As Boolean) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
If it is set the total counts query will be skipped and the response fields totalItems and totalPages will have -1 value.
This could drastically speed up the search queries when the total counters are not needed or cursor based pagination is used.
For optimization purposes, it is set by default for the getFirstListItem() and getFullList() SDKs methods. - Parameter_Sort (Sort As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseSelect
Only for GetCustom
Specify the records order attribute(s).
Add - / + (default) in front of the attribute for DESC / ASC order.
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Sort("-Task_Name") 'DESC</code>
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
- Functions:
- Collection (TableName As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
- Execute (RecordId As String) As ResumableSub
- Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - Parameter_Expand (Expand As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
Auto expand record relations. - Parameter_Fields (Fields As String) As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
Comma separated string of the fields to return in the JSON response (by default returns all fields).
<code>CustomQuery.Parameter_Fields("Task_Name,Task_CompletedAt")</code> - Parameter_Files (Files As List)
- Update (ColumnValue As Map) As Pocketbase_DatabaseUpdate
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_Functions
- Functions:
- BytesToImage (bytes As Byte) As B4XBitmap
- ConvertFile2Binary (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Byte()
- CreateMultipartFileData (Dir As String, FileName As String, KeyName As String, ContentType As String) As MultipartFileData
If you leave ContentType empty then the content type itself is determined using the file extension - GetFileExt (FileName As String) As String
- GetFilename (fullpath As String) As String
- GetISO8601UTC (Ticks As Long) As String
ISO8601UTC - GetMimeTypeByExtension (Extension As String) As String
[B4X] Get mime type by extension
If something is missing, I will gladly add the function. Log(GetMimeTypeByExtension("jpg")) Public Sub GetMimeTypeByExtension(Extension As String) As String Extension = Extension.Replace(".","").ToLowerCase Select Extension Case "jpg","png","gif","bmp","ico","svg","webp"...www.b4x.com - ParseDateTime (DateString As String) As Long
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_InternFunctions
- Functions:
- CreateDatabaseResult (JsonString As String) As PocketbaseDatabaseResult
- GenerateResult (j As HttpJob) As Map
- GetJWTPayload (Token As String) As Map
- PatchMultipart (j As HttpJob, Link As String, NameValues As Map, Files As List)
- SubExists2 (Target As Object, TargetSub As String, NumbersOfParameters As Int) As Boolean
- Properties:
- ErrorCode As Int
code: 400 - ErrorMap As Map
reason: invalid
domain: global
message: EMAIL_NOT_FOUND - ErrorMessage As String
- ErrorCode As Int
- Functions:
- Pocketbase_Storage
- Fields:
- Tag As Object
- Functions:
- DownloadFile (CollectionName As String, RecordId As String, FileName As String) As ResumableSub
Wait For (xPocketbase.Storage.DownloadFile("dt_Task","s64f723suu7b1p4","test_76uuo6rx0u.jpg")) Complete (StorageFile As PocketbaseStorageFile)
If StorageFile.Error.Success Then
Log($"File ${"test.jpg"} successfully downloaded "$)
Log("Error: " & StorageFile.Error.ErrorMessage)
End If
</code> - Initialize (ThisPocketbase As Pocketbase)
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - Parameter_Thumb (Thumb As String) As Pocketbase_Storage
If your file field has the Thumb sizes option, you can get a thumb of the image file (currently limited to jpg, png, and partially gif – its first frame)
The following thumb formats are currently supported:
WxH (e.g. 100x300) - crop To WxH viewbox (from center)
WxHt (e.g. 100x300t) - crop To WxH viewbox (from top)
WxHb (e.g. 100x300b) - crop To WxH viewbox (from bottom)
WxHf (e.g. 100x300f) - fit inside a WxH viewbox (without cropping)
0xH (e.g. 0x300) - resize To H height preserving the aspect ratio
Wx0 (e.g. 100x0) - resize To W width preserving the aspect ratio
Dim GetFile As Pocketbase_Storage = xPocketbase.Storage
Wait For (GetFile.DownloadFile("dt_Task","s64f723suu7b1p4","test_76uuo6rx0u.jpg")) Complete (StorageFile As PocketbaseStorageFile)
</code> - UploadFile (CollectionName As String, RecordId As String, FileData As MultipartFileData) As ResumableSub
Single file upload
Dim FileData As MultipartFileData
FileData.Dir = File.DirAssets
FileData.FileName = "test.jpg"
FileData.KeyName = "Task_Image"
FileData.ContentType = "image/png"
Wait For (xPocketbase.Storage.UploadFile("dt_Task","s64f723suu7b1p4",FileData)) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
</code> - UploadFiles (CollectionName As String, RecordId As String, FileData As List) As ResumableSub
If your file field supports uploading multiple files
FileDate - List of MultipartFileData
Dim lst_Files As List : lst_Files.Initialize
Wait For (xPocketbase.Storage.UploadFiles("dt_Task","s64f723suu7b1p4",lst_Files)) Complete (DatabaseResult As PocketbaseDatabaseResult)
- DownloadFile (CollectionName As String, RecordId As String, FileName As String) As ResumableSub
- Fields:
1. Follow the Introductions docs
Public xPocketbase As Pocketbase
#If B4J
xPocketbase.Initialize("") 'Localhost -> B4J only
xPocketbase.Initialize("") 'IP of your PC
#End If
xPocketbase.LogEvents = True
- 1.00
- Release
Please always create a new thread for questions and problems, thank you
Last edited: