B4J Library [B4X] xHttpServer (Http Server + jQuery)

It is a personal project of mine that I started as a hobby on B4i and it has become an interesting project, so that I have modified it to be multiplatform.

It is an http server, which allows a browser to navigate on html pages stored on the device. In addition, dynamic pages can also be created. Read the parameters of the GET and POST commands and read and write the COOKIES in the browser.
It also implements the WebSocket, starting from an example published in this forum by @Erel for the jServer library. I also made the jQueryElement class to interface with the JavaScript elements of the Browser page.
(You can get the source of the QueryElement class at this Post)

Obviously it is not at the level of existing and established servers, but it is a project that I want to share and that I think can be useful since it is cross-platform. The examples are in post 2

It is entirely written in B4X.
It may have some bugs
It does not support SSL / TLS. I didn't understand how it works.


Version: 0.77
  • QueryElement
    • Events:
      • change (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • click (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • dblclick (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • focus (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • focusin (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • focusout (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • keyup (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • mousedown (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • mouseenter (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • mouseleave (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • mousemove (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
      • mouseup (Resp As ServletResponse, Params As Map) ' QueryElement Event Click
    • Fields:
      • Event_change As String
      • Event_click As String
      • Event_dblclick As String
      • Event_focus As String
      • Event_focusin As String
      • Event_focusout As String
      • Event_keyup As String
      • Event_mousedown As String
      • Event_mouseenter As String
      • Event_mouseleave As String
      • Event_mousemove As String
      • Event_mouseup As String
      • NoEvent As Map()
    • Functions:
      • Class_Globals As String
      • CreateEvent (ObjectName As String, Event As String, OtherEvent As Map()) As Map()
      • EscapeHtml (Raw As String) As String
      • Eval (Script As String, Params As List) As String
      • EvalWithResult (Script As String, Params As List) As String
      • GetPropriety (Property As String, Value As List) As String
      • GetVal (ID As String, ValueList As List) As String
      • Initialize (Response As ServletResponse) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • RunFunction (function As String, ID As String, Params As List) As String
        Param = list or array: array as Map or String (array as Object is wrong)
      • RunFunctionWithResult (function As String, ID As String, Params As List) As String
      • RunMethod (Method As String, ID As String, Params As List) As String
        Param = list or array: array as Object is wrong - array as Map is correct
      • RunMethodWithResult (Method As String, ID As String, Params As List) As String
        Param = list or array: array as Object is wrong - array as Map is correct
      • SelectElement (ID As String) As String
      • SetCommand (etype As String, Method As String, property As String, ID As String, Params As List, Arg As List) As String
      • SetCSS (id As String, Params As List) As String
      • SetDialog (id As String, Params As List) As String
        Public Sub GetWidth As Object
        End Sub
      • SetHtml (id As String, Params As List) As String

        Public Sub SetHeight (Value As String)
        End Sub
      • SetPropriety (Property As String, Value As List) As String
      • SetText (ID As String, TextList As List) As String
      • SetVal (ID As String, ValueList As List) As String
    • Properties:
      • AutomaticEvents
  • ServletRequest
    • Fields:
      • CharacterEncoding As String
      • ConnectionAlive As Boolean
      • ContentLength As Long
      • ContentType As String
      • ID As String
      • LogActive As Boolean
      • LogFirstRefuse As Boolean
      • MultipartFilename As Map
      • RequestCookies As Map
      • RequestHeader As Map
      • RequestParameter As Map
      • RequestPostDataRow As List
      • Timeout As Long
    • Functions:
      • ArrayInsert (DataSource As Byte(), Index As Int, DataInsert As Byte()) As Byte()
      • ArrayRemove (Data As Byte(), Start As Int, Last As Int) As Byte()
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close As String
      • Connected As Boolean
      • GetHeader (Name As String) As String
      • GetHeadersName As List
        can be used to iterate over Header
        For Each Name As String In ServletRequest.GetHeadersName
        Log("Value = " & ServletRequest.GetHeader(Name))
      • GetInputStream As InputStream
      • GetMethod As String
      • GetRequestHOST As String
      • GetRequestURI As String
      • GetWebSocketCompressDeflateAccept As Boolean
      • GetWebSocketCompressGzipAccept As Boolean
      • GetWebSocketMapData As Map
      • GetWebSocketStringData As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String, Sck As Socket) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • ParameterMap As Map
      • RemoteAddress As String
      • RemotePort As Int
      • SubArray2 (Data As Byte(), Start As Int, Last As Int) As Byte()
  • ServletResponse
    • Fields:
      • CharacterEncoding As String
      • ContentLenght As Int
      • ContentType As String
      • Status As Int
    • Functions:
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Close As String
      • Connected As Boolean
      • Initialize (Req As ServletRequest, ast As AsyncStreams, Sck As Socket) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • ResetCookies As String
      • SendFile (Dir As String, fileName As String) As String
        don't use DirAssets
      • SendFile2 (Dir As String, fileName As String, Content_Type As String) As String
      • SendNotFound (filenameNotFound As String) As String
      • SendRaw (Data As Byte()) As String
      • SendRedirect (Address As String) As String
      • SendString (Text As String) As String
        sending text with Header
      • SendWebSocketBinary (Data As Byte(), Masked As Boolean) As String
      • SendWebSocketClose As String
      • SendWebSocketPing As String
      • SendWebSocketPong As String
      • SendWebSocketString (Text As String, Masked As Boolean, Compressed As String) As String
        Cmpressed as Deflate=zlib, gzip, none - (set always none)
      • SetCookies (Name As String, Value As String) As String
        Set Cokies values on Browser
      • SetHeader (Name As String, Value As String) As String
      • Write (Text As String) As String
        Sending text without header to dynamically send more text after the SendString
    • Properties:
      • OutputStream As OutputStream [read only]
      • Query As QueryElement [read only]
  • httpServer
    • Events:
      • Handle (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
      • HandleWebSocket (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
      • NewConection (req As ServletRequest)
      • SwitchToWebSocket (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
      • UploadedFile (req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
      • WebSocketClose (CloseCode As Int, CloseMessage As String)
    • Fields:
      • DigestAuthentication As Boolean
      • DigestPath As String
      • htdigest As List
      • IgnoreNC As Boolean
      • realm As String
      • Timeout As Int
    • Functions:
      • Class_Globals As String
      • GetMyIP As String
      • GetMyWifiIp As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • Start (Port As Int)
        eg. Start(51051)
      • Stop As String
    • Properties:
      • TempPath As String [read only]


  • aHttpServer 0.77.zip
    35.2 KB · Views: 187
  • jHttpServer 0.77.zip
    35.1 KB · Views: 192
  • iHttpServer 0.77.zip
    446 KB · Views: 170
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Your mis-understanding. Everything works fine in debug mode. I can include the ihttpserver or ireleaselogger, or any other library for that matter. But once I attempt to upload it to testflight, I get an email from apple saying the app has issues that need to be resolved, and they mention the "ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in APP_NAME: __NSSetLogCStringFunction" issue.

The issue is not within my application. As I mentioned before, 2 attempts in a row to publish, the only difference being that iHttpServer library is checked in Library Manager. Without iHttpServer it approves just fine, and with, it fails and I get the above email from apple.
Now I understand. Sorry I misunderstood. Give me time to think what the problem might be


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update del 0.76


Licensed User
Longtime User


Licensed User
Longtime User
Excellent! Apple appears to be accepting the application now. I have not worked with it long enough to really provide a whole lot of feedback, but the little bit I have used it, it appears very solid, minus the small hiccup of the ITMS-90338 error. Keep up the great work! Thanks again!


Licensed User
Longtime User
@Star-Dust Can I create a video streaming app using this library. I want to play a video from the local folder and feed chunks of data into the video player. This can be done using a httpserver that reads part of the video file and send the correct data to the video player. I was not able to produce such a function using the original HttpServer from Erel. Altho I was able to do it using jHttpServer.
My question is will this new HttpServer be able to do such a thing. Thanks in advance.
See here



Licensed User
Longtime User
How do I change the "Default Root" document folder of the server?


Licensed User
Longtime User

I suggest you see the examples. There is no default root because the class does not send replies automatically from a folder. But when the 'HandleWebSocket' event is raised inside the sub the response is sent you can fetch it from any folder or generate the response from code dynamically.

See the example in post n.2


Licensed User
Longtime User
Update del 0.77
Fix bugs