With reference to the following snippet:
[B4X] B4XTable - Resize columns based on content
I wanted the column width adjustment to also include the header.
I would suggest to replace that snippet with the following Sub:
Obviously you should call it from the DataUpdated event of the B4XTable:
[B4X] B4XTable - Resize columns based on content
I wanted the column width adjustment to also include the header.
I would suggest to replace that snippet with the following Sub:
Public Sub XTableDataUpdated(XTable As B4XTable, TitleIncluded As Boolean)
Dim cvsB4XTable As B4XCanvas
Dim ShouldRefresh As Boolean
Dim CellLabel As B4XView
Dim CellText As String
Dim HeaderLabel As B4XView
Dim HeaderText As String
For Each column As B4XTableColumn In XTable.Columns
Dim MaxWidth As Int
If TitleIncluded Then
HeaderText = column.CellsLayouts.Get(0).As(B4XView).GetView(0).Text
HeaderLabel = column.CellsLayouts.Get(0).As(B4XView).GetView(0)
MaxWidth = cvsB4XTable.MeasureText(HeaderText, HeaderLabel.Font).Width + 10dip
End If
For i = 0 To XTable.VisibleRowIds.Size - 1
Dim RowId As Long = XTable.VisibleRowIds.Get(i)
If RowId > 0 Then
CellLabel = column.CellsLayouts.Get(i + 1).As(B4XView).GetView(0)
If column.ColumnType <> XTable.COLUMN_TYPE_DATE Then
CellText = XTable.GetRow(RowId).Get(column.Id)
CellText = DateTime.Date(XTable.GetRow(RowId).Get(column.Id))
End If
MaxWidth = Max(MaxWidth, cvsB4XTable.MeasureText(CellText, CellLabel.Font).Width + 10dip)
End If
If MaxWidth > column.ComputedWidth Or MaxWidth < column.ComputedWidth - 20dip Then
column.Width = MaxWidth
ShouldRefresh = True
End If
If ShouldRefresh Then
End If
End Sub
Obviously you should call it from the DataUpdated event of the B4XTable:
Private Sub B4XTable1_DataUpdated
XTableDataUpdated(B4XTable1, True)
End Sub
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