B4J Library [B4X] SD Zebra (printer)


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AddImage (X As Int, Y As Int, bmp As B4XBitmap) As String
Zebra.AddImage() ' not active


  • addimage.jpg
    404.8 KB · Views: 176

Javier Lovay

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello. I have been using this magnificent library for some time. But now I have the problem that it does not print correctly with my USB printer and it comes out as seen in the photo, I have another one the same but it is wifi and the label comes out perfectly fine. What can I do to solve it?


  • WhatsApp Image 2023-12-22 at 13.14.57.jpeg
    168.7 KB · Views: 132


Licensed User
Longtime User
I see that it is printing commands but not executing them. Is it a Zebra or an ESC/POS?
Which Zebra model is it?

Javier Lovay

Licensed User
Longtime User
I am working for BLE and USB. I already have the classes ready but I have to do the tests and I don't have a printer.

Trying ESC / POS printers the BLE and USB connection works, so I'm very confident it works on ZEBRA too
Is a GG-AT90W.
I have another one just like it, but with Wi-Fi connectivity, and it works perfectly.
I installed the Linux, Windows and Mac drivers and in all 3 OS it does the same.

Javier Lovay

Licensed User
Longtime User

Javier Lovay

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have found the solution to the problem. I set my printer to Generic Text-Only Printer and it works correctly. THANK YOU.
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