
  1. Arnaud

    iOS Question Bluetooth in MacBook M1 vs iPhone/iPad

    Hello, I use B4i to developp APP for iPhone/iPad with success. For my app, I use the Bluetooth BLE. Apple says that these APP seem to be compatible with MacBook M1. When I try on Macbook, the graphism, button, label etc works fine but not the Bluetooth. Is the Bluetooth in Macbook M1 different...
  2. DoctorDebug

    Android Question OBEX Bluetooth Server

    Hello, has anyone managed to implement a Bluetooth OBEX server running in B4A? Been playing around with it for months, and if anyone has even some rudimentary help I would appreciate it.
  3. P

    Android Question Impacts from having your Google Play account closed

    Due to some distraction and lazyness on my part my Google developer account was closed. This because I hadn't published aby new app or update for a year. It's a good warning to everyone. Unfortunately, everything is thrown away with no possibility of recovery whatsoever. You have to do...
  4. luki_c

    Android Question Bluetooth search stops working after moving to b4xPage

    I used the example of chat bluetootch, when I moved the layout to separate panels the program stopped detecting and indexing bluetooth devices. The program code is the same as in the example. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root = Root1 Root.LoadLayout("MainPage")...
  5. yo3ggx

    Android Question Capture buttons from a Bluetooth audio device

    Hello, I have a Bluetooth audio device (mic+speaker) with 3 more buttons. Tried to capture following intents using BroadcastReceiver: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON" "android.bluetooth.headset.action.VENDOR_SPECIFIC_HEADSET_EVENT" Tried to request AudioFocus and start a mediaplayer ( as...
  6. red30

    Android Question Permissions to work with Bluetooth and BLE depending on the target Sdk version

    Right now you can't upload an app with targetSdkversion<31 on Google play, so I had to install target Sdk=31 version to keep my apps updated. As I understand it, now it is desirable to immediately set targetSdkversion=33, since in the future there will still be a mandatory transition to...
  7. red30

    Android Question Request to turn on Bluetooth

    Apps that use Bluetooth require permission to start using it. How can I make such a request in B4A?
  8. S

    Android Question Newland N910 + N910 Base

    Hi experts, Does anyone here have experience working with Newland based POS devices. Currently building android app to connect to N910 Base via Bluetooth and I'm able start a connection but when I try to send data to it, it does not show up on my laptop. For your information N910 also have a...
  9. SJQ

    Android Question BLE & Bluetooth Classic Issues in separate apps when running on the same device.

    I have two applications running on various Android devices with varying SDK versions, so, this isn't an issue with a particular version of android. One application uses BLE and scans for a particular set of beacons, these beacons have buttons and when pressed the name of the beacon changes for...
  10. M

    iOS Question BLE SetNotify does not return anything

    Hi everyone, i've used BLE library with Android and i have the necessity to use the SetNotify method. On Android this method return a boolean value to tell if the operation went ok or not. On iOS seems that the SetNotify method does not have a return value. I use the return value to wait for...
  11. Uitenhage

    Android Question Bluetooth silent pairing in a kiosk app

    I have a Kiosk app based on It is set as the Device Owner and the Home Launcher. At the end of a shift the user needs to upload the data they have collected to a PC via Bluetooth which isn't a problem if the...
  12. yo3ggx

    Android Question Bluetooth audio mic

    Hello, I want top use a Bluetooth headset with AudioStreamer. I'm doing the initialization using HeadsetStreamer.Initialize2(VOICE_COMMUNICATION,"HeadsetStreamer",8000,True,16,STREAM_MUSIC) Unfortunately audio is playing on the headset, but phone mic is still used for audio input. Tried...
  13. moty22

    Share My Creation Android Bluetooth Arduino

    B4A app to control inputs and outputs of Arduino connected to Bluetooth module HC-05. Arduino sends 9 bytes, first byte=129 to mark the start and then 8 bytes 7 bits each of data. B4A sends 2 bytes. Update is every second. HC-05 is set to 9600 Baud rate.
  14. E

    Android Tutorial BLE nRF Connect pre-BLE2 problem solving

    It is surprising how often the basics get missed, when embroiled in heat of battle of programmer vs hardware, operating system, complex apis and libraries, etc. I have found that whenever my BLE2 programs don't work, it's always nice to know that everything else in the chain *is* working, and...
  15. F

    Android Question [SOLVED] Runtime BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission not working - android 12 device, targetsdk 31, android33 sdk

    Hello, I followed the instructions here to try to make the bluetooth scan work on Android 12 device with app targeted for API level 31. However, even though the permission is added in the manifest and...
  16. Humberto01

    Spanish Diferencias acerca de listview y CustomListview

    Hola y M. Buenos días para todos. Me llamo Humberto soy de Argentina, Entre Ríos, Gualeguaychú. Quería aprovechar esta consulta para presentarme y aprender a usar este sitio (además del Foro de consulta). Vengo de usar Android Studio y por accidente me topé con B4a el que comencé a mirar al...
  17. moty22

    Share My Creation OBD2 Bluetooth

    App uses OBD2 Bluetooth plug, it has ELM327 V2.1 IC that connects to all OBDII protocols. The app reads common PIDs, DTC (faults) and VID. To add PID you can use Code based on bluetooth example. The USB diagnostic plug...
  18. Abdull Cadre

    Android Question ESC POS Print Service

    Hello to all forum members. I've been seeing some topics here about ESC/ POS. example 1: Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class by agraham example 2: SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE) But none of them can solve my problem, because they don't print a pdf, just line of text, images, qr and...
  19. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE)

    This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN) you can download the ble3 library from here The DEMO version prints one minute every 2. The full version of the library will be issued...
  20. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] SD Zebra (printer)

    This library is the result of my first approach with Zebra printers. I started by connecting via LAN (or Wi-Fi) ZPL language. I plan to connect via BLE and perhaps also via USB. Have a good time. Preview only works if you have an internet connection For ESC/POS Printer see here The Demo version...