Android Example [B4X] Simple function to highlight searchword in texts in CSBuilder Format

This simple function highlights all occurrences of a search term in a given text and returns the result as a CSBuilder.
The output can then be used for labels or MsgBox text.

 Sub HighlightCsTextWithRegex(OriginalText As String, searchWord As String) As CSBuilder
    Dim escapedSearchWord As String = RegexEscapeSpecialChars(searchWord)
    Dim pattern As String = "(?i)" & escapedSearchWord ' (?i) case-insensitive!
    Dim matcher As Matcher = Regex.Matcher(pattern, OriginalText)
    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    Dim lastIndex As Int = 0
    Do While matcher.Find
        Dim startIndex As Int = matcher.GetStart(0)
        Dim endIndex As Int = matcher.GetEnd(0)
        cs.Append(OriginalText.SubString2(lastIndex, startIndex))
        cs.BackgroundColor(xui.Color_Yellow) ' <<<<-------------------- you may underline, bold, italic etc. (any format you need)
        cs.Append(OriginalText.SubString2(startIndex, endIndex))
        lastIndex = endIndex
    Return cs
End Sub

Sub RegexEscapeSpecialChars(input As String) As String
    Dim specialChars As List
    specialChars.Initialize2(Array As String("\", ".", "$", "^", "{", "[", "(", "|", ")", "*", "+", "?", "<", ">", "-", "&", "%"))
    For Each charX As String In specialChars
        input = input.Replace(charX, "\\" & charX)
    Return input
End Sub

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