B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS CountryPicker

A phone number prefix, flag emoji, country code picker.

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Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 1.00

  • AS_CountryPicker
    • Events:
      • ItemClick (Item As AS_CountryPicker_Item)
    • Fields:
      • mBase As B4XView
      • Tag As Object
    • Functions:
      • Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As String
      • Class_Globals As String
      • CreateAS_CountryPicker_Item (FlagEmoji As String, CountryCode As String, DialCode As String, Name As String) As AS_CountryPicker_Item
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map)
        Base type must be Object
      • FillList As String
      • GetCountry As String
      • getCustomListView As b4a.example3.customlistview
      • getHeaderColor As Int
      • getHeaderLabel As B4XView
      • getHeaderSeperator As B4XView
      • getHeaderTextColor As Int
      • GetItem (CountryCode As String) As AS_CountryPicker_Item
        Gets an item with the country code
        Example: "de" to select Germany
      • GetItem2 (DialCode As String) As AS_CountryPicker_Item
        Gets an item with the dial code
        Example: "+49" to select Germany
      • getItemClickColor As Int
      • getItemColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • getItemTextColor As Int
      • getOwnCountryColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • getOwnCountryTextColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • getSearchTextField As com.stoltex.CountryPicker.as_textfieldadvanced
      • getSeperatorColor As Int
        Call FillList if you want to change the seperator in the list too
      • getTextFieldColor As Int
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • setHeaderColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setHeaderTextColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setItemClickColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setItemColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setItemTextColor (Color As Int) As String
        Call FillList if you change something
      • setOwnCountryColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setOwnCountryTextColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setSeperatorColor (Color As Int) As String
      • setTextFieldColor (Color As Int) As String
    • Properties:
      • CustomListView As b4a.example3.customlistview [read only]
      • HeaderColor As Int
      • HeaderLabel As B4XView [read only]
      • HeaderSeperator As B4XView [read only]
      • HeaderTextColor As Int
      • ItemClickColor As Int
      • ItemColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • ItemTextColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • OwnCountryColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • OwnCountryTextColor As Int
        Call FillList if you change something
      • SearchTextField As com.stoltex.CountryPicker.as_textfieldadvanced [read only]
      • SeperatorColor As Int
        Call FillList if you want to change the seperator in the list too
      • TextFieldColor As Int
  • AS_CountryPicker_Item
    • Fields:
      • CountryCode As String
      • DialCode As String
      • FlagEmoji As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • Name As String
    • Functions:
      • Initialize
        Initializes the fields to their default value.
  • 1.00
    • Release
  • 1.01
    • BugFixes
  • 1.02
    • Add get and set MyCountryCode
Have Fun


  • AS CountryPicker Example.zip
    181.8 KB · Views: 219
  • AS_CountryPicker.b4xlib
    13.7 KB · Views: 193
Last edited:

Cristian Achim

Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there any chance to translate the title (Select country) and hint text (Search) from code?
Thank you!


  • Untitled.png
    4.3 KB · Views: 127

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there any chance to translate the title (Select country) and hint text (Search) from code?
AS_CountryPicker1.HeaderLabel.Text = "Test"

AS_CountryPicker1.SearchTextField.Hint.Text = "Hint Text"

Cristian Achim

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have one more question, please. Is there any possibility to change own country (default selection)?
Thank you!
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