[B4X] [XUI] AS Tab Menu (Bottom Menu/Navigation)


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Sorry, i changed in B4A the Border Color=#000000, Border Width=1 and Corner Radious=10 and i can't see neither change on screen.



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Ok thanks, I have seen the problem now. It does not apply the chosen color to the border of the control. It uses a very light gray and on a white background it is not visible. If I put a dark color below the control then the trimmed border shows correctly.

Designer control configuration

White background

Black background



Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
The problem is that the corner radius is hidden by the tab panel because it is on top. What I could do is add a padding that keeps the tabs left, right top and bottom space free for the border.


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Hi. No problem for me. I only want tell you it. I changed menú background color and it look great. Thank you.


Alexander Stolte

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  • 1.22
    • Adds BorderPadding - if you want a border, then set the BorderWidth here for the padding
  1. Set the BorderWidth in the designer or per code
  2. Set the BorderWidth to the BorderPadding
    1. ASTabMenu_horizontal.BorderPadding = 2dip


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IF disable - ASTabMenu_horizontal.TabStripMode = false!
When you click on the second menu - the bar - is not displayed correctly!


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I suspect there is a mistake somewhere here? although I may be wrong.

            If g_TabStripMode = False Then
                Dim tmp_top As Float = xlbl_text.Top + xlbl_text.Height
                If g_TabStyle = "Text" Or g_TabStyle = "TextIcon" Then 'only Text or text and icons
                    Dim textwidth As Int =  Max(1dip,MeasureTextWidth(xlbl_text.Text,xlbl_text.Font))
                    If g_CurrentTabUnderlineGravity <> getCurrentTabUnderlineGravity_BOTTOMRIGHT Then
                        If g_TabStyle = "TextIcon" Then
                            tmp_top = xpnl_targettab.Height/2 - icon_height/2
                            tmp_top = xpnl_targettab.Height/2 - xlbl_text.Height/2
                        End If
                    End If
--->                    xpnl_underline.SetLayoutAnimated(g_CurrentTabUnderlineAnimationDuration,xpnl_targettab.Left + xpnl_targettab.Width/2 - textwidth/2,tmp_top,textwidth,ul_height)
                Else If g_TabStyle = "Icon" Then 'only Icon
                    If g_CurrentTabUnderlineGravity = getCurrentTabUnderlineGravity_BOTTOMRIGHT Then
                        tmp_top = xpnl_tabbase.Height/2 + 15dip
                        tmp_top = xpnl_tabbase.Height/2 - icon_height/2.5
                    End If
                    xpnl_underline.SetLayoutAnimated(g_CurrentTabUnderlineAnimationDuration,xpnl_targettab.Left + xpnl_targettab.Width/2 - underlinewidthbyonlyicon/2,tmp_top,underlinewidthbyonlyicon,ul_height)
                End If


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[SOLVED] This lib doesn't work with B4A rel. #11 Beta.
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I think I found a "bug" with the library.
If you do these steps, the menu's TabClick event will fire, even if you do not click it

1. Add Items to the menu (more than 1)
2. Click on any item that is not the first item
3. Remove all items from menu
4. Add items back
5. Click event will fire, even though user is not physically clicking on menu.

Maybe you could do a "ignore event" option?
AsTabMenu1.IgnoreClickEvent = True or something? not sure


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Right Premium Deluxe would be to pack the project from the gif still in the attachment, then I save at least time until I am on this stand ^^

Attached, sorry I thought I had attached it.

In the project, I added my "fix" to it. You can remove the line "ASTabMenu1.IgnoreClickEvent = True" to see what I mean like the GIF.
I'm a noob so my "fix" is simple, but would prefer an actual fix from the creator


  • Project.zip
    22.3 KB · Views: 314
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Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
  • 1.23
    • Add BeginUpdate - Call this if you remove or add tabs, no events or animations during this
    • Add EndUpdate - Call this if you finished adding or removing tabs
    • BugFixes
ASTabMenu1.AddTab(Colors.RGB(18, 21, 61),"Item 1",ASTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE56A),True,40,xui.Color_White),"")
ASTabMenu1.AddTab(Colors.RGB(18, 21, 61),"Item 2",ASTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE3B0),True,40,xui.Color_White),"")
ASTabMenu1.AddTab(Colors.RGB(18, 21, 61),"Item 3",ASTabMenu1.FontToBitmap(Chr(0xE5C9),True,40,xui.Color_White),"")

I'm a noob so my "fix" is simple, but would prefer an actual fix from the creator
I work full time with vb.net and use the devexpress framework, there it works with "BeginUpdate" and "EndUpdate" when you change things, so I added that too.
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