[B4X] [XUI] [Old] AS CalendarAdvanced 📅 - OneRow/FiveRow Calendar - Expand and Collapse [Payware]


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There's been an error has occurred.

I've added all the libraries I need.

B4A Version: 10.60
Parsing code. (0.07s)
Java Version: 11
Building folders structure. (0.03s)
Running custom action. (0.10s)
Compiling code. Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Unknown member: addpageat
Error occurred on line: 327
Word: addpageat


  • AS CalendarAdvanced Example.zip
    43.9 KB · Views: 298

Alexander Stolte

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Error description: Unknown member: addpageat
Make sure you are using ASViewPager V1.10+
was also in the email that you should update the ASViewPager.


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Maybe there is a bug, in the 7-day display if, in the example, I press the button "back to the current date", the days of the week are desynchronized (example today is 04/14/2021 Wednesday if I press the button back to 14 but puts it on Monday)

Alexander Stolte

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  • SetAppointmentType1 renamed to AddAppointmentType1
  • BugFix on VisibleRangeChanged
  • Add GetDaysBetween2Dates - Returns a list of dates at a special day in a week e.g. all sundays between 2 dates
  • Add AddSpecialDay - Adds a new special day
    • Add CommitSpecialDays - Commits all new visible special dates
    • Add SpecialDayExists - Returns True if a special day is already added to a date
    • Add GetSpecialDayAt - Gets a ASCalendarAdvanced_SpecialDay object on a date if exists
    • Add RemoveSpecialDay - Removes a special day

Mark all sundays as a special day
Sub ASCalendarAdvanced1_VisibleRangeChanged(StartDate As Long,EndDate As Long)
    Dim sundays As List = ASCalendarAdvanced1.GetDaysBetween2Dates(StartDate,EndDate, 1)
    For Each s As Long In sundays
        ASCalendarAdvanced1.AddSpecialDay(s,xui.Color_ARGB(255,221, 95, 96),"official_holiday")
End Sub
Special days can have different colors and you can give each one an identifier so you know what kind of special day it is on that day.

Alexander Stolte

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The new version is ready ?
Theoretically, the version is usable so far, but currently overlaps are not yet considered in the new appointment type.
Practically, I'm implementing the library in a project of mine right now and I'm finding new bugs that need to be fixed before I can update.

I am confident to be able to update soon, currently I can only work on my projects for a few hours in the evening.


Licensed User
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Hi Alexander
I would like to understand how much space it occupies when the object is expanded (50%y) ?
Thank you

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
I would like to understand how much space it occupies when the object is expanded (50%y) ?
That depends on a few things.
it is difficult to explain.
  • View Height = 50dip
  • Expandable = False (no drag panel on bottom)
  • Body Item Height in Percentage (Designer Property) = 50 (if you set it to 60% then the header height will be smaller and the items height will be bigger)
    • 50% of the view height = 25dip for the header
    • Body Items has now the other 50% = 25dip
      • If the view is expanded, then the total height of the view is:
        • 50dip + 25dip*4 (*4 because we have show 4 more weeks) = 150dip

if you have Expandable = True, then 15dip (BottomPanel Height in default) will be subtracted from the item height, you have to take this into account when you set the size of the view in the designer.

I hope I have been able to explain it to some extent.
In the next update a function will be added, with which you can read the expanded view height, without that the view must be expanded.


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What i do for Remove Appointment Type ( RemoveAppointmentType1 not exist ) ?
Thank you


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There is a way to reset the calendar in order to delete events, appointments, etc. ?