I want a better dialog for time input so I created this time (picker) dialog using B4X XUI Views and IME library. I think the code has too many lines. Hope someone can simplify or improve it.
Note: I haven't tested but I think this code can also work for B4i and B4J.
Update: I have tested with B4A, B4i and B4J. For B4i and B4J I am not using IME library.
Bug: In B4J, even though I have set the Keyboard Type to Numbers for B4XFloatTextField, I still can enter alphabet which cause the app crashed.
Here is the code for B4A:
Update: I have tested with B4A, B4i and B4J. For B4i and B4J I am not using IME library.
Bug: In B4J, even though I have set the Keyboard Type to Numbers for B4XFloatTextField, I still can enter alphabet which cause the app crashed.
Here is the code for B4A:
Sub Process_Globals
Private xui As XUI
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private dialog As B4XDialog
Private lblTime As Label
Private ftfHour As B4XFloatTextField
Private ftfMinute As B4XFloatTextField
Private cbAMPM As B4XComboBox
Dim HH As Int = 12
Dim MM As Int = 0
Dim TT As Int = 1
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
dialog.Title = "B4AViewTimeDialog"
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean 'Return True to consume the event
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then
If dialog.Close(xui.DialogResponse_Cancel) Then Return True
End If
Return False
End Sub
Sub lblTime_Click
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 100%x-40dip, 150dip)
IME.SetLengthFilter(ftfHour.TextField, 2)
IME.SetLengthFilter(ftfMinute.TextField, 2)
ftfHour.TextField.EditTextHint = "12"
ftfHour.TextField.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
ftfMinute.TextField.EditTextHint = "00"
ftfMinute.TextField.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
cbAMPM.SetItems(Array As String("AM", "PM"))
cbAMPM.SelectedIndex = TT
dialog.PutAtTop = True 'put the dialog at the top of the screen
dialog.BackgroundColor = Colors.ARGB(200, 125, 125, 125)
dialog.ButtonsColor = Colors.RGB(125, 125, 125)
If HH < 10 Then ftfHour.Text = "0" & HH Else ftfHour.Text = HH
If MM < 10 Then ftfMinute.Text = "0" & MM Else ftfMinute.Text = MM
Wait For (dialog.ShowCustom(p, "OK", "", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
If ftfHour.Text = "" Or ftfHour.Text = "0" Or ftfHour.Text = "00" Then HH = 12 Else HH = ftfHour.Text
If ftfMinute.Text = "" Then MM = 0 Else MM = ftfMinute.Text
If HH > 12 Then HH = 12
If MM > 59 Then MM = 0
If HH < 10 Then ftfHour.Text = "0" & HH Else ftfHour.Text = HH
If MM < 10 Then ftfMinute.Text = "0" & MM Else ftfMinute.Text = MM
TT = cbAMPM.SelectedIndex
Dim strValue As String = ftfHour.Text & ":" & ftfMinute.Text & " " & cbAMPM.GetItem(cbAMPM.SelectedIndex)
'dialog.Show(strValue, "OK", "", "")
lblTime.Text = strValue
End If
End Sub
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