
Colin Evans

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Hi, does anyone know what's happened to Saif and the B4XCode site, it all seems to have disappeared.


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I noticed it a few days ago as he is usually quite active in the forum.


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I wrote to him both by mail and through the forum, I did not receive a response, we hope well, very strange the site that is generally not closed except for unforeseen events, we are waiting for you to give us a signal @sfsameer

Colin Evans

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It's very strange, I've tried emailing, etc. but no response, If you read this Saif I along with the rest of the forum hope you're well and any problems are short-lived, you're an asset to B4X and your contributions are greatly missed


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I actually reached out to him exactly a month ago to see if everything was ok and he said last month was his busiest month so far and he was inactive here due to a lot of custom development work.

Colin Evans

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I actually reached out to him exactly a month ago to see if everything was ok and he said last month was his busiest month so far and he was inactive here due to a lot of custom development work.
Hopefully that's all it is, just strange for the site to be down


Licensed User
I actually reached out to him exactly a month ago to see if everything was ok and he said last month was his busiest month so far and he was inactive here due to a lot of custom development work.
in fact he is very good and professional, I guess he will have several requests from companies.


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This is strange. Hope everything is OK.

I have tried to contact him through Telegram. Waiting for his reply.


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Hopefully that's all it is, just strange for the site to be down
yep, I agree. I don't care much about the site itself but the download links for sources depend on that domain.
Hope he will be back up and running again soon.


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Hopefully he is all good. Some time ago I had covid for 2 full weeks, thought I was dying or something. These days one just never knows here and its nice that someone asked about b4xcode. Its always nice when someone you met here and have a close relationship with checks on you.

Also i didnt know the site was down, perhaps its just off to take off the pressure for more work requests. I wish him and his team the best and more importantly, good health.


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I saw a few days ago he wasn't in the forum for a days and email him to see if everything was rigth. There was no answer... I hope they are well


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Saif has not replied to my Telegram message, but his last seen is "within a week".

He is workaholic we all know and believe is busy in another great project.


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And is that why his site is down?
This is what we all are wondering.

This last Facebook post is of 20 Sep 21 and mentions about developing and his site b4xcode. So something happened to the site server or provider, maybe.
Only he can clear the mist.
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