Hello everyone,
Apologies for the sudden inactivity.
The problem started occurring 2-3 weeks ago after we signed a contract with a dear client (Italian company), little information about that matter; it was a really big deal for us and the contract period was extended to 5 years, providing support and projects, i was thinking life is great and what could go wrong, until the client sent us the projects they were working on, one of the projects contained a (WannaCry : Ransomware virus) virus under the name : Makop Hope, Makop Hope ransomware virus is an online virus which infects and encrypts windows platforms via network infection
We scanned and cleaned the viruses and started working on the projects, little did we know that the virus wasn't cleaned 100%, after 48 hours our main server was 100% encrypted, our main PCs and Laptops started to be infected one by one, and each machine was 100% encrypted.
We lost the stored information of 9 unfinished projects which we were planning on releasing in September, 3 custom projects, Access to our Paypal accounts, Fastspring account, Emails, Website, MS SQL databases were 100% encrypted as well, Secondary server which contained the public information example MySQL databases, demos, etc...
The worst part was, after every file was encrypted(.exe, .xls, .doc, .bak, .db, .zip, .bas, etc...) the notepad.exe was opened automatically and a message stating "We are very sorry for encrypting your windows", "Very sorry" this part is what really hit me hard, and there was a bitcoin address that they said if we paid them they we will restore 50% of the files which is completely false because after contacting many local online security companies they said that once a file is encrypted by a ransomware there is no way it can be restored again.
Long story short, we are still recovering the lost data through backups, External hard disks, personal laptops.
We have restored personal emails, the website and public source codes in the secondary server after contacting OVH which we are very thankful for them for helping us to restore the windows cloud backup so you can now download the source codes normally.
Please do bear with us until we restore everything and we are back online.
15 B4X PMs, 93 Emails, 29 Telegram messages, and this post, Thank you B4X family, don't worry no matter how hard we got hit we will get up and continue creating and contributing, in the end "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Thank you,