'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Private RunDelayed As Map
Type RunDelayedData (Module As Object, SubName As String, Arg() As Object, Delayed As Boolean)
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
'Similar to CallSubDelayed. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
Public Sub CallSubDelayedPlus(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int)
CallSubDelayedPlus2(Module, SubName, Delay, Null)
End Sub
'Similar to CallSubDelayed. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
'The target sub should have one parameter with a type of Object().
Public Sub CallSubDelayedPlus2(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object)
PlusImpl(Module, SubName, Delay, Arg, True)
End Sub
'Similar to CallSub. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
Public Sub CallSubPlus(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int)
CallSubPlus2(Module, SubName, Delay, Null)
End Try
End Sub
'Similar to CallSub. This method allows you to set the delay (in milliseconds).
'Note that the sub name must include an underscore if compiled with obfuscation enabled.
'The target sub should have one parameter with a type of Object().
Public Sub CallSubPlus2(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object)
PlusImpl(Module, SubName, Delay, Arg, False)
End Sub
Private Sub PlusImpl(Module As Object, SubName As String, Delay As Int, Arg() As Object, delayed As Boolean)
If RunDelayed.IsInitialized = False Then RunDelayed.Initialize
Dim tmr As Timer
tmr.Initialize("tmr", Delay)
Dim rdd As RunDelayedData
rdd.Module = Module
rdd.SubName = SubName
rdd.Arg = Arg
rdd.delayed = delayed
RunDelayed.Put(tmr, rdd)
tmr.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub tmr_Tick
Dim t As Timer = Sender
t.Enabled = False
Dim rdd As RunDelayedData = RunDelayed.Get(t)
If rdd.Delayed Then
If rdd.Arg = Null Then
CallSubDelayed(rdd.Module, rdd.SubName)
CallSubDelayed2(rdd.Module, rdd.SubName, rdd.Arg)
End If
If rdd.Arg = Null Then
CallSub(rdd.Module, rdd.SubName)
CallSub2(rdd.Module, rdd.SubName, rdd.Arg)
End If
End If
End Sub