I have a B4XPages project (in B4J). The creation/display of the pages etc. works.
Now I have a page that is normally 600dpi x 600dpi.
But when a certain selection is made, this page has to be changed to 800 x 1470.
This works fine with the following lines of code
The problem is that the following B4XView/dialog is still limited to the old limits (600x600).
After the two lines above, the view is called as follows: :
How can I solve it so that the new limits also apply to this B4X dialog?
I have a B4XPages project (in B4J). The creation/display of the pages etc. works.
Now I have a page that is normally 600dpi x 600dpi.
But when a certain selection is made, this page has to be changed to 800 x 1470.
This works fine with the following lines of code
If form.WindowHeight <800 Then form.WindowHeight = 800
If form.WindowWidth <1470 Then form.WindowWidth = 1470
The problem is that the following B4XView/dialog is still limited to the old limits (600x600).
After the two lines above, the view is called as follows: :
Dim cld As B4XDialog
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel(“”)
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 1440dip, 740dip)
Dim rs As ResumableSub = cld.ShowCustom(p, Main.loc.Localize(“txt_start”), “”, “Cancel”)
Wait For (rs) Complete (ret As Int)
How can I solve it so that the new limits also apply to this B4X dialog?