I have a PnlRoot that contains the main layout and the resize event works fine with IphoneX
But when I add the code to implement the B4XDrawer (based on this tutorial), I have a wrong graphics behaviour.
It seems the Drawer.Centerpanel that contains the main layout doesn't shift correctly so I see two layout one over the other and with different offsets
Where I'm wrong ?
I tried this
Private Sub PageMain_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
Dim r As Rect = PageMain.SafeAreaInsets
PnlRoot.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 1, r.Left, r.Top, Width - r.Right - r.Left, Height - r.Bottom - r.Top)
End Sub
But when I add the code to implement the B4XDrawer (based on this tutorial), I have a wrong graphics behaviour.
It seems the Drawer.Centerpanel that contains the main layout doesn't shift correctly so I see two layout one over the other and with different offsets
Where I'm wrong ?
I tried this
Private Sub PageMain_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
Dim r As Rect = PageMain.SafeAreaInsets
Drawer.Resize(Width - r.Right - r.Left, Height - r.Bottom - r.Top)
PnlRoot.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 1, r.Left, r.Top, Width - r.Right - r.Left, Height - r.Bottom - r.Top)
End Sub