Android Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, here it is,

Why you are posting this link in a CODE Tag? This make the link not function anymore. You need to manually copy it to use it.

I suggest to just insert the url in a Post.
Like this:
link removed

Edit to add: Ohh, i see. When using the link directly the forum is including the Sheet into the Post.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ohh, i see. When using the link directly the forum is including the Sheet into the Post.
Yes, that is what happened to my original link in first post.




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Unable to Edit and Save 1st post. Always getting "We ran into some problem.." message

So today's update text below,
version 2020-10-12, total 5425 rows. We will have to live with Covid now ??​




Licensed User
Longtime User
Hope you are reading my first message of this thread every week/update ?
I did it once in the past. Not every week.

Honestly said i do not expect to find any news in the - GREAT list (for sure!) - as i do regularly read the forum and often i am the first who give a like for any new Library release to the library author ;-)

I do have a copy of the list (outdated as of now probably) on my PC ;-)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I do have a copy of the list (outdated as of now probably) on my PC ;-)
You do not need to update this list, as the first post will give you the latest, all thanks to Walt61, every week.
Latest items on top of the list.




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What's New Since Last Week

B4X    Tool    B4Xgoodies Excel
B4X    Tool    B4Xgoodies viewer in B4J
B4X    Tool    ABMaterial B4xgoodies
B4X    Tutorial    B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4A    Snippet    Adaptive Icons - simple instructions and tips
B4R    Snippet    7 segment display [with dots]
B4J    Library    An Object Oriented UX library for BANano [BANanoWebix]
B4A    Tutorial    Adaptive Icons
B4J    Tutorial    MealPrep App [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4A    Library    scan code Qtr barracode etc ...
B4J    Library    The first VueJS UX based framework for BANano [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4A    Tutorial    B4A Ui
B4J    Tutorial    My mini course on YT. [ABMaterial]
B4X    Snippet    Barcode Reader with Torch [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4J    Tutorial    Canvas inside a ScrollPane [Beginner-Tutorial]
B4A    Library    Huawei SDK + Analytics
B4A    Tutorial    Sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity [submitjob]
B4X    Snippet    Customizing New B4XPages Backup and Module Naming
B4I    Class    RichString B4I
B4J    Snippet    Print a pane
B4X    Library    Library Base64 encode/decode image library [B4X]
B4X    Snippet    Shared Folders , sync subfolders click [B4X]
B4I    Library    iAXMaterialProgress
B4J    Snippet    DateTime stamp and MessageID for Smtp mail
B4J    Tutorial    Using UI app to create a QR code as part of a server solution [server]
B4X    Snippet    Set CSBuilder or Text to a Label [B4X]
B4X    Library    SD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4A    Library    Huawei Ads Kit
B4X    Library    MiniHtmlParser - simple html parser implemented with B4X [B4X]
B4A    Tutorial    intent for beginner - simple understanding way




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What's New Since Last Week (26 Oct 2020 to 02 Nov 2020)

B4XLibraryDialogsB4xDialog4Button [B4x]
B4ALibraryWebViewWebview - Right click to save image
B4ALibraryNotificationsHMS / Huwaei Push Kit
B4JTutorialLinuxUsing Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu VPS [Server]
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - Huawei SDK
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate Desktop Apps with Electron [BANanoElectron]
B4ALibraryBarcode/scanScanner TextBa
B4ALibraryAnimationHitex TransformationLayout
B4ASnippetIntentopen the app in Huawei appGallery...
B4JSnippetDatabaseParse SQL Schema File Into SQLite
B4ATutorialGoogleGoogle: Here are 4 reasons your Android app will get booted from the Play Store
B4JTutorialBAnanoCreating a Chat application [BANanoFireStoreDB]
B4JLibraryBAnanoA CRUD Cloud FireStoreDB Wrap for BANano [BANanoFireStoreDB] [BETA]
B4ATutorialB4XpagesB4XPages - Allow Orientation Change
B4RSnippetB4R LED7 segment display [with dots]
B4ALibraryIntentHitex Intent
B4JLibraryGitGitHub API Library
B4JLibraryComms & NetworkCuppify - build Modern REST API's with ease
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui
B4XLibraryGPS/locationFused Location B4xLibrary [B4X]
B4ALibraryList- and scrollviewAmir_RecyclerView [Lib, Chargeable]
B4AToolB4AHitex xHelper - Android package converter




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What's New Since Last Week (02 Nov 2020 to 9 Nov 2020)

B4JTutorialB4J ServerjOkHttpUtils2 - server version [server]
B4XLibraryImagesBitmapsAsync [B4X]
B4ATutorialWearUsing B4A to develop for a Wear OS 2 watch
B4XSnippetDate/timeDateTimePicker using CLV [B4X]
B4ATutorialList- and scrollviewExpandable list based on CustomListView
B4XLibraryMenuAS Bottom Menu V2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassDate/timeDateTimePicker View [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetWebViewGet URL of any image in a web page
B4XSnippetDialogsDisplay 2 dialogs [B4x]
B4ATutorialhttpUser Login + MySQL PHP API
B4XTutorialB4XLibrary Templates [B4X]
B4JTutorialBAnanoBeginning Electron with BANano [BANanoElectron]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui
B4XLibraryImagesB4XGifView - Cross platform animated gif view [B4X]
B4ATutorialCameraCamera2 - Still images and videos
B4XSnippetImagesImageslider ios blurry image tweak - tip [b4x] [XUI]
B4XTutorialSocialB4X Pleroma - open source client for Mastodon-Pleroma social networks
B4JTutorialAudio/VideoKarplus-Strong algorithm to synth a plucked guitar string sound
B4JLibraryBAnanoThe first VueJS UX based framework for BANano [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4ATutorialB4ARuntime Permissions (Android 6.0+ Permissions)
B4ATutorialB4XpagesB4XPages - Allow Orientation Change
B4ALibraryWebViewWebview - Right click to save image
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - Huawei SDK
B4ALibraryB4AMy contributions to the community
B4XLibraryList- and scrollviewSD XUIScrollView2D [B4X] [XUI]
B4RSnippetB4R LED7 segment display [with dots]
B4XSnippetPaymentSTRIPE Checkout - Credit card and Apple Pay [B4X] [B4XPages]




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What's New Since Last Week (9 Nov 2020 to 16 Nov 2020)

B4XLibraryB4XpagesB4xScrollPage [B4x]
B4ALibraryB4AMy contributions to the community
B4ITutorialB4IDummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4XLibraryRatingAS RatingBar [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibraryViews - additionalRichViewfx CodeArea [Custom View]
B4RSnippetAudio/VideoPlay tone in ESP8266.
B4JLibraryhtmlOWASP Java HTML Sanitizer
B4JTutorialB4J ServerRun a Server on a VPS [server]
B4AClassFile handlingExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks
B4XTutorialB4XpagesTip - ROBOCOPY error related to shared files folder [B4X]
B4RTutorialB4RB4R Change Log (version history)
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4ATutorialWearUsing B4A to develop for a Wear OS 2 watch
B4XLibraryBCTextEngineBCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View [B4X] [BETA]
B4JTutorialBarcode/scanUsing UI app to create a QR code as part of a server solution [server]




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What's New Since Last Week (16 Nov 2020 to 23 Nov 2020)

B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - Huawei SDK
B4XClassColourBitmapCreator + HSV Color Picker [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
B4XLibraryBCTextEngineBCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View [B4X] [BETA]
B4JLibraryViews - additionalReplacement TitleBar
B4XLibraryTextviewSD_TextView [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
B4ILibraryDrawingiTiled (for iSpritekit)
B4JLibraryWebViewSelenium Browser Automation - Create any Robot with Browser
B4JLibraryBAnanoThe first VueJS UX based framework for BANano [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4JTutorialLinuxCreate shared folders in Virtual Box Ubuntu 20.04 machine to transfer files to compile in Linux your B4J Apps
B4JSnippetExceljPOI how to get the Active sheet
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS [Huawei] - DRM verification
B4ALibrarySpinnerIOS like Spinner
B4ALibraryB4AMy contributions to the community
B4XLibraryB4XSD B4XView [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibraryBAnanoA sneak peek into a Progressive Web App library [BANano]
B4ALibrarySwitchIOS like switch
B4XLibraryList- and scrollviewSD XUIScrollView2D [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryAdsAdColony Library
B4ATutorialPanelFun with panels for noobs
B4ALibraryGoogleGooglePlayBilling - In App Purchases
B4ALibraryAdsUnity Ads Library
B4ITutorialB4IDummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i




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What's New Since Last Week (23 Nov 2020 to 30 Nov 2020)

B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4JLibraryWebViewCodeMirror Javascript Code editor - proof of concept.
B4XLibraryImagesSD: GridImage [B4Xlib]
B4XLibraryComboboxxComboBox - Cross Platform ComboBox with Images [B4X] [XUI] Generator for SLC
B4ALibraryTextviewMetroUI_TextView [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui
B4XLibraryViews - effectsSD CreativeBackgroud [B4X] [XUI]
B4JSnippetChartsB4j Line Graph, Multiple Traces, Predetermined intervals
B4ATutorialMathsInterest(ing) Calculator
B4XLibraryCheckboxAS Checkbox [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryB4XSD B4XView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryRadioButtonAS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
B4AClassPrintBluetooth TSPL Printer Class
B4ATutorialAudio/VideoCapture volume keys events while app is in the background
B4XTutorialAnimationLike Animation - smooth and beautiful transition [B4X]
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - Huawei SDK
B4ASnippetGoogleCloud Vision post image
B4AClassPickerClsWheel Input wheels [Class]
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS [Huawei] - DRM verification
B4ALibraryAdsHMS Ads
B4XClassMenuAS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibraryViews - additionalReplacement TitleBar
B4JLibraryBAnanoA framework-less library for the adventurous BANanoNinjas [BANanoHTML]
B4XLibraryViews - additionalXUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs [B4X]




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What's New Since Last Week (30 Nov 2020 to 07 Dec 2020)

B4ALibraryTextviewMetroUI_TextView [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
B4XLibraryToastBCToast - Cross platform custom toast message [B4X]
B4RSnippetArduinoM5 Stick-C
B4ATutorialB4ACompilation time and auto-increment build version
B4JLibraryWebViewCodeMirror Javascript Code editor - proof of concept.
B4ALibrarySwitchShSlideToAct [Wrapped from kotlin]
B4JLibraryBAnanoLearning & Understanding the BANanoPromise [BANanoLocalBase] Generator for SLC
B4JSnippetOAuthGoogle OAuth2 authorization token
B4JLibraryViews - additionalReplacement TitleBar
B4ATutorialFile xferDownload list of images with HttpUtils2 and CustomListView
B4ALibraryB4AMy contributions to the community
B4RLibraryArduinorXDM - Set Analog Resolutions [Read/Write] in Seeeduino XIAO and Arduino Due, Arduino Maker
B4ATutorialAI/MLOpenCV and Tensorflow methods for chessboard and chessfigures detection/classification
B4XSnippetB4XCancelling 'Sleep' Awakening Events [B4X]
B4ITutorialB4IDummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4RTutorialDroneDronebot workshop - Seeeduino Xiao
B4ATutorialSpeechOffline Continuous Speech Recognition
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
B4XLibraryProgress/GaugeiSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4XLibraryProgress/GaugejSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4XLibraryProgress/GaugeSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4XLibraryViews - effectsSD CreativeBackgroud [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryViewPagerAS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]




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What's New Since Last Week (07 Dec 2020 to 14 Dec 2020)

B4JLibraryDatabaseNew sqlite-jdbc version 3.34.0 [2020.12.10]
B4JSnippetTextviewTextArea - Moving Focus after pressing TAB
B4JLibraryBarcode/scanThis is a QR code generator for B4J projects. It doesnt require jShell so it will work on B4J server projects.
B4RLibraryMQTTUpdate to rMQTT internal library
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingiSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingjSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI] Generator for SLC
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4XLibraryViewPagerAS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibrarySwitchB4XSwitch with adjustable size
B4JLibraryWebViewCodeMirror Javascript Code editor - proof of concept.
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4XPages B4XPages_SQLiteLight2 cross-platform project [B4X]
B4XSnippetDate/timeCount specific week days in a month + tutorial about B4XSet [B4X]
B4RSnippetArduinoM5 Stick-C
B4JLibraryDatabaseNew sqlite-jdbc version [2020.12.08]
B4ALibraryPrintSD: Bluetooth Printer
B4AClassAction Bar, Drawer, etcB4ADrawer - sliding drawer [class]
B4ITutorialEmulator/VMLocal Mac Builder Installation
B4XLibraryViews - additionalXUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs [B4X]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4XPages - Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages [B4X]
B4ATutorialHuaweiIntegrating In App Purchase in B4A Platform




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What's New Since Last Week (14 Dec 2020 to 21 Dec 2020)

B4JTutorialB4J ServerMaking Installers for Server Apps
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4RLibraryMQTTUpdate to rMQTT internal library
B4XLibraryButtonAS FloatingActionButton [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibrarySMB / CIFSjcifs-ng SMB-Client B4J [SMB2]
B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4JTutorialBAnanoSetting up FileZilla Server [BANano]
B4JSnippetDialogsHow To Show Sign In/Log In Window Prior to App Start
B4JTutorialB4JB4J Change Log (version history)
B4ALibraryEncryptionAES128ECB encryption and decryption native B4A, B4J, VB6, C++, JAVA
B4XLibraryList- and scrollviewCLVExpandable - Allows expanding or collapsing xCustomListView items [B4X]
B4ALibraryDroneDJI Drones


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