Android Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online


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What's New Since Last Week (21 Dec 2020 to 28 Dec 2020)

B4ITutorialB4IDummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4AToolImagesAnywhere Software animated gif
B4XLibraryTextviewSD_TextView [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
B4RTutorialHome automationControlling DSTV decoder from Android device via Nano and HC-05 bluetooth module
B4ALibraryB4AChilkat-Bundle B4A
B4XLibraryButtonAS FloatingActionButton [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryImagesxImageSliderIG - Instagram style image and video slider [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetSMSSend SMS/MMS using Twilio Rest API
B4JLibraryB4JChilkat-Bundle B4J
B4JLibraryWebViewCodeMirror wrapper and example
B4ASnippetImagesAdaptive Icons - simple instructions and tips
B4JLibraryWebViewCodeMirror Javascript Code editor - proof of concept.
B4ATutorialB4Aandroid.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion
B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4JTutorialB4J ServerMaking Installers for Server Apps
B4XLibraryDialogsB4xDialog4Button [B4x]
B4XTutorialHome automationControlling Sonoff S20 smart power plugs [B4X] [Home Automation]
B4XLibraryB4XThrowables library [B4x]




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What's New Since Last Week (28 Dec 2020 to 04 Jan 2021)

B4XLibraryDrawingiSD_Dice [B4X] [XUI]
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4JTutorialB4JIntegrated B4JPackager11 - The simple way to distribute standalone UI apps
B4ASnippetB4AAdd pinned shortcut
B4ALibraryAction Bar, Drawer, etcStdActionBar
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
B4ALibraryDroneDJI Drones
B4ILibraryInteropiHealth - Get the health information from HeathKit framework
B4ALibraryAudio/VideoVideo Player with Full Screen Option Native
B4ITutorialEmulator/VMLocal Mac Builder Installation
B4RLibraryBluetoothrBLEKeyBoard for ESP32
B4ILibraryImagesiCropView - The Best option for Crop Images (Square, Circular, Retangular)
B4RLibraryBluetoothrBLEMouse for ESP32
B4JLibraryWebViewSelenium Browser Automation - Create any Robot with Browser
B4ASnippetSpinnerCenter Align Spinner Text: 95% perfect workaround
B4JLibraryBAnanoA sneak peek into a Progressive Web App library [BANano]
B4JTutorialB4XB4X Turtle - Planet Orbits
B4JTutorialWebAppWeb Apps Overview [WebApp]
B4ASnippetStringsTo Make a simple CharSequence:
B4ATutorialDatabaseUpdating an embedded DB
B4ALibraryB4AChilkat-Bundle B4A
B4JTutorialBAnanoImplementing the BVAD3 B4X Project Template in B4J [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4ASnippetDatabaseSQL Server with no-ip
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - Huawei SDK
B4ISnippetDialogsInput Dialog [modal] - slightly modified from the Erel one
B4ALibraryHuaweiHMS - In App Purchases
B4ILibraryAdsGoogle App Open Ads B4I
B4XLibraryTreeViewjSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XSnippetImagesFill and Fit images without distortion [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryButtonSD AnimatedButton [b4xlib] [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewiSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialBAnanoBeginning Firebase Messaging [BANano]
B4XLibraryTreeViewSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryAdsGoogle App Open Ads B4A
B4ITutorialB4IDummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
B4XSnippetImagesRotate Bitmap [B4X]




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What's New Since Last Week (04 Jan 2021 to 11 Jan 2021)

B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingSD LoadingIndicator [B4X] [XUI] [B4xLib]
B4ATutorialTable/GridB4XTable - Photos Album
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4ATutorialDatabaseRemote Database Connector (RDC) - Connect to any remote DB
B4ALibraryUpdaterIn-App Update Library
B4JTutorialBAnanoGoing full circle [BANano+jSERVER=BANanoServer]
B4JTutorialMQTTA For Dummies Experience on MS Windows [MQTT]
B4ILibrarySeekbariRangeBar Library
B4ASnippetSocialWhatsApp Cleaner
B4XTutorialImagesget fav icons from a website [B4X]
B4ILibraryB4IKSCrash - simple and powerful crash reports framework
B4XLibraryDrawingiSD_Dice [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialB4XpagesMixer [B4APages]
B4JLibraryOtherjBasicLib embedded Basic interpreter library
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Change Log (versions history)
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui




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What's New Since Last Week (11 Jan 2021 to 18 Jan 2021)

B4ALibraryUpdaterIn-App Update Library
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4ISnippetKeyboardKeyboard will hide notification
B4XLibraryTabStripAS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetNotificationsCustom notifications channel
B4XTutorialHome automationControlling Sonoff S20 smart power plugs [B4X] [Home Automation]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A beginner tutorials
B4ASnippethttpServletRequest all Header [httpServer]
B4XLibraryYouTubeDL Youtube ExoPlayer [B4X]
B4ITutorialFirebaseFirebaseNotifications - Push Messages (server not required)
B4JSnippetDatabaseJRDC2 connect to MSSQLLocalDb
B4XLibraryList- and scrollviewCLVBackwards - xCLV extenstion for lists that grow backwards [B4X]
B4XSnippetJSONBetter JSON handling of Lists with Maps without parsing errors [B4x]
B4JLibraryDatabaseTesting if jRDC2 with returning auto-generated key values after INSERT
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingSD LoadingIndicator [B4X] [XUI] [B4xLib]
B4ATutorialTable/GridB4XTable - Photos Album




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What's New Since Last Week (18 Jan 2021 to 25 Jan 2021)

B4XLibraryTreeViewSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewjSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryhttpSD DigestServer [httpServer+Digest Auth]
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4XLibraryTreeViewiSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryAudio/VideoB4A ScreenRecorder
B4XLibraryTabStripAS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryMenuWobbleMenu V1 [B4X] [XUI]
B4ILibraryImagesiQBImagePicker - Multiple selection image picker
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking BANano Libraries for ABMaterial [ABMaterial/BANano]
B4XSnippetImagesCreate a round image [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryViews - additionalXUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs [B4X]
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4XSnippetB4XProperty generator [not only for B4J, of course] [Tool]
B4XSnippetColourCIELAB color converter
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTextviewSD_TextView [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
B4ATutorialInteropControl your Android device from your Windows PC
B4ASnippetB4AXNoted - Free source
B4ASnippetDatabaseTip: SQLite Column Does not exist even if you know it exists!!!
B4ASnippetDatabaseHelper functions... [jRDC2]
B4ASnippetB4XpagesB4xpage custom transition
B4XClassMathsmath evaluation
B4ALibraryUpdaterIn-App Update Library




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What's New Since Last Week (25 Jan 2021 to 01 Feb 2021)

B4ASnippetGPS/locationGoogleMapsextra custom infowindow
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4XLibraryDatabaseDBUtils 2 [B4X]
B4RSnippetArduino12 bit analog output for ESP32 with MCP492X via SPI
B4ASnippetAudio/VideoMusic player UI (B4A)
B4ATutorialOSCheck if Device Rooted
B4JToolB4JCompile project with different version of Java [tool]
B4JLibraryDatabaseNitrite NoSQL embedded database library
B4JSnippetImagesCreate PNG File for Map Markers
B4JTutorialBAnanoCreating Server Applications with BANanoServer... [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
B4XTutorialB4XDocumentation Booklets
B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4JLibraryStringsText similarity with SIMHASH
B4ALibraryhttpSD DigestServer [httpServer+Digest Auth]
B4ITutorialB4IB4i Change Log (versions history)
B4AClassStringsCharSequence / TagCSBuilder
B4JLibraryDatabasejJasperReports Library
B4XSnippetB4XA solution to easily add your own code snippets [B4X] [Library]
B4XSnippetImagesFill and Fit images without distortion [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryViews - additionalAS Swipe Card - a tinder like swipeable card view [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryDate/timeSD DiscTImePicker [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTabStripAS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryButtonAS FloatingActionButton [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryFTPFTP server + Material Design
B4ALibraryAdsMoPub Ads Library
B4XLibraryTreeViewiSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryMenuWobbleMenu V1 [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewjSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4RLibraryB4R sensorMPU6050 for ESP8266
B4XLibraryMenuAS Tab Menu [Bottom Menu] [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialB4AHint: solving compiler error Unknown member: initializenewinstance




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What's New Since Last Week (01 Feb 2021 to 08 Feb 2021)

B4IClassColourColor Picker [class] [custom view]
B4ALibraryAudio/VideoAudio library v1.5 - New AudioStreamer object
B4XLibraryPanelAS Draggable Bottom Card [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialJSONAndroid JSON tutorial
B4XClassMenuAS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetB4ADisabling system darkmode in your app
B4XClassViews - otherWhat's new class [B4X]
B4ILibraryEncryptioniEncryption library
B4JTutorialLinuxMonoBuilder - Compile B4J programs on Linux or Mac
B4AClassNotificationsNB6 - Notifications Builder class (2018)
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking BANano Libraries for ABMaterial [ABMaterial/BANano]
B4XTutorialTranslation/localisationGoogle sheets and localizator [B4X]
B4ALibraryB4AMy contributions to the community
B4XLibraryComboboxlmB4XComboBox V. 1.01 [B4X]
B4XLibraryButtonAS FloatingActionButton [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryLabelAutoTextSizeLabel [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingAS Floating Loading Button [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialPush notificationsAndroid push notification (C2DM) framework and tutorial
B4XLibraryViews - effectsSD CreativeBackgroud [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryColourAS Gradients Panel [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingAS Sliding Circles [Loadingview] [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryViews - additionalAS Ripple View [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassDialogsAS MsgBox/Dialog [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryMenuAS Bottom Menu V2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryLock/unlockAS PinLock [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryAdsUnity Ads Library
B4ALibrarySocialFacebook Audience Network Library
B4ALibraryAdsAdColony Library
B4XLibraryB4XpagesB4xScrollPage [B4x]
B4RSnippetB4R sensorGY-530 / VL53L0X Time of Flight (ToF) laser ranging sensor - Inline C
B4XLibraryDatabaseKVS2 - KeyValueStore2 library [B4X]
B4ALibraryAdsHuawei Ads Kit
B4XTutorialB4XCode Smells [B4X]
B4ALibraryAdsMoPub Ads Library
B4ATutorialAnimationCustom transitions between activities [+10 effects]
B4XSnippetWebViewUsing Three.js / WebGL in a WebView [B4X]
B4RTutorialInteropPS4 F1 2020 Interfacing using ESP8266
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4JLibraryBAnanoThe first VueJS UX based framework for BANano [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4XTutorialDatabasejRDC2 + MySql CRUD + Login [B4XPages]
B4JTutorialBAnanoBVMDesigner - Mock.Compile.Publish [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4JTutorialBAnanoLearning BANanoVuetify by Coding What You See [BANanoVueMaterial]
B4RLibrarySerial commrSPI
B4XLibraryMenuAS Tab Menu [Bottom Menu] [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetGPS/locationGoogleMapsextra custom infowindow
B4XLibraryViews - additionalAS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryOSRootBeer - Root checker library




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What's New Since Last Week (08 Feb 2021 to 15 Feb 2021)

B4XToolB4XB4Xgoodies Excel
B4XToolB4XB4Xgoodies viewer in B4J
B4JLibraryPrintSD: Bluetooth Printer B4J
B4XToolB4XABMaterial B4xgoodies
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4ILibraryFirebaseFirebase February 2021 - local Mac
B4XTutorialComms & NetworkNet library (FTP, SMTP, POP) with Wait For [B4X]
B4XTutorialB4XCode Smells [B4X]
B4ALibraryComms & NetworkNet
B4XClassMenuAS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
B4RTutorialB4R sensorCar parking position detector
B4JTutorialB4JB4J Change Log (version history)
B4ALibraryComboboxSimple Combo box [with source]
B4XLibraryComboboxlmB4XComboBox V. 1.01 [B4X]
B4XSnippetFirebaseFirebase Cloud Messaging Subscribe and Unsubscribe Topic [B4X]
B4JTutorialABMaterialMini Template for absolute beginners [ABMaterial]
B4XLibraryPickerAS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialBAnanoGoing full circle [BANano+jSERVER=BANanoServer]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Change Log (versions history)
B4JLibraryBAnanoA sneak peek into a Progressive Web App library [BANano]
B4ALibraryButtonSimple Floating Button [Source included]
B4JSnippetPrintPrint files via jShell and a VBS script [Windows only]
B4XLibraryPickerSD Selector [B4X] [XUI]
B4XTutorialGPS/location[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Using B4J public internet IP address to create a BASIC weather app - Newer developers
B4XTutorialGPS/location[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Using B4i Location to create a BASIC weather app - Newer developers
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking BANano Libraries for ABMaterial [ABMaterial/BANano]
B4JSnippetMailSend Mails with attachements over local Outlook installation via VBS script
B4RLibraryArduinolibrary for PCF8574
B4XTutorialGPS/location[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Using B4A GPS to create a BASIC weather app - Newer developers
B4JSnippetTable/GridChange [or hide] TableView No content in table text
B4XTutorialDatabasejRDC2 + MySql CRUD + Login [B4XPages]
B4ALibraryAdsAdManager Library




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What's New Since Last Week (15 Feb 2021 to 22 Feb 2021)

B4ALibraryGPS/locationOpen Street Map viewer
B4ATutorialSMSPower monitor with SMS notification - free w/ source
B4RClassB4R LEDSSD1306 Module
B4ASnippetInteropSimple send Push Notification using PHP
B4RLibrarySerial commUpdated Hardware serial library for Arduino
B4ATutorialMenuExample of adding and calling B4X menu items
B4XLibraryTable/GridSD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4RSnippetInteropReturning value to B4R RunNative calls from c code
B4XLibraryPickerAS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialABMaterialMaking BANano Libraries for ABMaterial [ABMaterial/BANano]
B4XLibraryDatabaseSD_SQL [MsSQL,MySQL] [B4X] [B4XLib]
B4XSnippetEncryptionAES-256 encryption with salt and iv [works with all platforms like php, .net, etc.] [B4x]
B4JLibraryImagesUse SVG files like any other image : JavafxSVG [B4X]
B4XTutorialJSON[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Simple B4J stock ticker app code using JSON REST API - Newer developers
B4RLibraryB4R sensorrVL53L1X library
B4ALibraryImagesScaleImageView - Pan and zoom large images
B4XTutorialJSON[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Simple B4A stock ticker code using JSON REST API - Newer developers
B4XTutorialJSON[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] Simple B4i stock ticker code using JSON REST API - Newer developers
B4JLibraryImagesJavaFX BorderImage - similar to android 9 Patch.
B4ASnippetB4XpagesA natural method for alerting the user of the locked orientation of a B4XPages App
B4ALibraryUpdaterAppUpdating 2.0 - update non-market apps
B4RLibraryB4R LEDrTM1637Ex
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4ALibraryViews - additionalCustomView RichTextEditor
B4JTutorialBAnanoAuthentication to a B4J server [REST API][BANano]
B4RLibraryB4R LCDrLiquidCrystalI2CEx
B4ASnippetB4XpagesA more elegant way to detect platform
B4JSnippetOSHardware Health Monitor [using jsensors]
B4JLibraryPrintSD: Bluetooth Printer B4J
B4RTutorialB4R LCDLCD Display Designer [Tool]
B4XClassMenuAS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetDate/timeConvert Mysql DateTime to regular string date time




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What's New Since Last Week (22 Feb 2021 to 01 Mar 2021)

B4ALibraryWebViewMarkdownView for Android
B4JLibraryComms & NetworkjServer
B4XSnippetMailSolving encoding issues with html mails sent with SMTP [Net library] [B4X]
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4XLibraryTable/GridSD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryImageslmB4XImageView [B4X] [B4Xlib]
B4JTutorialBAnanoGoing full circle [BANano+jSERVER=BANanoServer]
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibraryB4J ServerABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let's Encrypt
B4XLibraryTextviewSD_TextView [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
B4JLibraryBAnanoA library for making http requests. [BANanoAxios]
B4XTutorialAudio/VideoSimple audio call over internet with own TURN/relay server [B4X]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4A 'Erel Says' hand, eye memory game - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4XTutorialBarcode/scanBarcode Reader [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4i 'Erel Says' hand, eye memory game - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4J 'Erel Says' hand, eye memory game - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4RLibraryB4R sensorrAdafruit_MAX31856 library
B4RLibraryHome automationrEspalexa livrary
B4XClassDatabaseBuild parametized SQL queries for Insert,Update and Delete
B4ALibrarySocialFacebook Audience Network Library
B4ILibraryComms & NetworkSocket.IO Client Library B4I
B4ALibraryDatabasesqlclass Fast Sql string generation from simple class to Mysql,Sqlite
B4XToolB4XSnippets For B4X - a B4J app [tool] [B4X]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesPleroma / Mastodon Client - Step 1 [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4XTutorialTable/Grid[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4J PreoptimizedCLV lazy loading from SQLite and CSV - Newer developers
B4XTutorialTable/Grid[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4i PreoptimizedCLV lazy loading from SQLite and CSV - Newer developers
B4RLibraryB4RGlobalStore - Global objects storage [module]
B4ATutorialSMSPower monitor with SMS notification - free w/ source
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui
B4XTutorialTable/Grid[B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages] B4A PreoptimizedCLV lazy loading from SQLite and CSV - Newer developers
B4XLibraryPanelAS Draggable Bottom Card [B4X] [XUI]
B4RCode modulehttprHttpUtils2 - Http Client [module]
B4XLibraryGPS/locationOpen Street Map viewer
B4RLibraryB4R sensorrVL53L1X library
B4JLibraryImagesUse SVG files like any other image : JavafxSVG
B4ALibraryAdsAdManager Library
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4XPages - Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages [B4X]
B4XClassChartsxGraph Class and b4xlib [B4X] [XUI]




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What's New Since Last Week (01 Mar 2021 to 08 Mar 2021)

B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4ATutorialGoogleGoogle Play App Signing
B4JSnippetDate/timeRound [Up] Time - Nearest minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes etc
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4RTutorialSerial commSerial oscilloscope
B4XLibraryPanelAS Draggable Bottom Card [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryPickerUM_Add To Cart [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetDialogsLight Theme for B4XDialogs
B4XLibraryComboboxlmB4XComboBox V. 1.01 [B4X]
B4XToolB4XSnippets For B4X - a B4J app [tool] [B4X]
B4XLibraryTreeViewSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4J recreating Google Trends results with xCharts - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4XLibraryGPS/locationOpen Street Map viewer
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4i recreating Google Trends results with xCharts - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4XTutorialB4XDocumentation Booklets
B4ITutorialB4IUse Face ID Touch ID and Passcode
B4JLibraryBAnanoBANanoPeer library for video/audio/chat/screen sharing [BANano]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4A recreating Google Trends results with xCharts - Newer developers [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPages]
B4ALibraryComboboxSimple Combo box [with source]
B4JLibraryDatabaseHeavily modified jRDC2 testing server code dump
B4RTutorialB4R LEDSSD1306 Animated Image
B4RTutorialB4R LEDSSD1306 Progress Bars
B4RClassB4R LEDSSD1306 Module
B4AToolB4ASnipped Manager Part 2
B4RSnippetMQTTAdafruit IO: Sending multiple data feeds with only one mqtt Publish message
B4XLibraryTable/GridSD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4JLibraryComms & NetworkjServer
B4ALibraryWebViewMarkdownView for Android
B4RTutorialB4RB4R Change Log (version history)
B4XSnippetMailSolving encoding issues with html mails sent with SMTP [Net library] [B4X]
B4AToolB4ASnipped Manager




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What's New Since Last Week (08 Mar 2021 to 15 Mar 2021)

B4ITutorialBluetoothBLE Chat - Connecting Android and iOS
B4JLibraryStringsUniversalDetector - Encoding [charset] detector [B4A/B4J]
B4XSnippetMailSolving encoding issues with html mails sent with SMTP [Net library] [B4X]
B4RLibraryB4R sensorrMPU9250 library
B4ATutorialSMSFree Automatic pick & choose SMS Blocker or Automatic and immediately respond to sms
B4ALibraryGoogleGoogle Play Games Services [New]
B4ALibrarySpinnerBeauty Material Spinner - Spinner with more custom
B4ALibraryGoogleGooglePlayBilling - In App Purchases
B4JLibraryB4J ServerABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let's Encrypt
B4XSnippetComms & NetworkInputStream - Skip N Bytes [B4X]
B4RTutorialSerial commSerial oscilloscope
B4ITutorialB4IB4i Change Log (versions history)
B4XLibrarySearchViewUi max_co libraries [B4X] [XUI]
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4XTutorialB4XpagesLogin Page UI Example [Design] [B4XPage] [B4A] [B4i]
B4RTutorialComms & NetworkESP32 NOW Example [inline C]
B4RTutorialHome automationB4R thermostat with ultrasonic distance sensor
B4XLibraryTable/GridSD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewiSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4XToolB4XSnippets For B4X - a B4J app [tool] [B4X]
B4XLibraryPickerAS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTreeViewjSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetUIDGenerate Unique Id on Android No permissions Needed.
B4ITutorialB4IInstalling apps with Apple Configurator 2
B4RClassSerial commSerial Oscilloscope [Module]
B4ILibraryFirebaseFirebase 2.50 - April 2020




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What's New Since Last Week (15 Mar 2021 to 22 Mar 2021)

B4XLibraryYouTubeDL Youtube ExoPlayer [B4X]
B4JTutorialAudio/VideojOpenCV Tutorial 2 - Image & Video [with VideoCapture] acquisition, and conversions to/from Mat objects.
B4JTutorialAudio/VideojOpenCV Tutorial 1 - Syntax rules, Helper methods and Basic types
B4JLibraryAudio/VideojOpenCV library - Computer Vision with B4J
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4RSnippetMQTTUploading data to ThingSpeak using MQTT
B4ATutorialWidgetA Not-So-Simple Clock - Android Widget
B4XLibraryPanelAS Draggable Bottom Card [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryDrawingSD XUI_View3D (Demo) [BAX] [XUI]
B4JTutorialSerial commUSB Serial Port + AsyncStreams + B4XBytesBuilder
B4XLibraryTable/GridSD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassChartsxGraph Class and b4xlib [B4X] [XUI]
B4RLibraryB4R sensorBMP180 with ESP8266-01 support - Pressure and temperature
B4XTutorialB4XDocumentation Booklets
B4XToolB4XSnippets For B4X - a B4J app [tool] [B4X]
B4ITutorialFirebaseFirebaseAuth - Authenticate your users (Google + Facebook)
B4JTutorialB4JMaximize, minimize, restore and full screen [programmatically]
B4XTutorialInteropPostman Tutorial [B4X]
B4RTutorialComms & NetworkESP32 Now with encryption, master and automatically added slaves
B4XLibraryGPS/locationOpen Street Map viewer
B4XSnippetFile handlingFile records with fixed positions & lenghts [B4x]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Change Log (versions history)
B4ASnippetUIDGenerate Unique Id on Android No permissions Needed.
B4XLibraryViewPagerAS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryViews - additionalCustomView RichTextEditor
B4JTutorialBAnanoCalling JavaScript methods with parameters explained [BANano]
B4ITutorialFirebaseFirebase Integration
B4RTutorialComms & NetworkESP32 Mesh example
B4JLibraryB4J ServerABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let's Encrypt
B4RTutorialB4R sensorUsing UDP broadcasts for sensor readings
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]




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What's New Since Last Week (22 Mar 2021 to 29 Mar 2021)

B4ATutorialB4AApp Bundle - Publishing NEW apps using AAB to play store with New keystore
B4ATutorialB4XpagesFood_Market Example UI [Design] [B4XPage] [B4A]
B4XLibraryViewPagerAS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTabStripAS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialB4AApp Bundle - Steps to updating Existing App [apk to aab]
B4XLibraryCalendarAS CalendarAdvanced - OneRow/FiveRow Calendar - Expand and Collapse [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassMenuAS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
B4RTutorialRaspberry PiUse Rasberry Pi Pico with the Arduino IDE and thus with B4R
B4ATutorialOCRGoogle Vision/Play Services OCR example
B4XLibraryPanelAS Draggable Bottom Card [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialGPS/locationGeofence - Monitoring a region in the background
B4ISnippetComms & Networkadding SFSafariViewController
B4XLibraryViews - additionalXUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs [B4X]
B4XSnippetViews - effectsChange the view's alpha level - transparency [B4X]
B4ASnippetOSAs I can know if the app this running in a phone or computer.
B4ALibraryUpdaterIn-App Update Library
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Rapid book updated to B4A 10.6
B4XTutorialGameHow to make a rotating circle rotate in circle [XUI2D]
B4XLibraryButtonAS FloatingActionButton [B4X] [XUI]




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What's New Since Last Week (29 Mar 2021 to 05 Apr 2021)

B4XLibraryB4XSD B4XView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4XLibraryB4XSD XUIView2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryDrawingAS Draw [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryBCTextEngineBCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View [B4X] [BETA]
B4JTutorialB4JIntegrated B4JPackager11 - The simple way to distribute standalone UI apps
B4XClassSliderxRotaryKnob class [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialColourPK ColorPicker for Windows and Mac
B4ATutorialSMSSelf sms Verification
B4ATutorialB4AB4A beginner tutorials
B4ALibraryFirebaseFirebase Email/Password authentication
B4AClassCalendarSD: DateDialog (Calendar Picker)
B4ISnippetAudio/VideoIn-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
B4XClassList- and scrollviewCLVSwipe - CustomListView Swipe Commands [B4X]
B4XLibrarySearchViewUi max_co libraries [B4X] [XUI]
B4XSnippetLogging/ExceptionsLog stack trace [B4X]
B4XSnippetB4Xpagesmaintaining the page during a split-screen size change [B4Xpages]
B4ALibraryFirebaseFirebase phone number authentication
B4XLibraryhttpxHttpServer [beta] [B4X]
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4ASnippetSkypeIntent Skype Call
B4ILibraryhttpSD: iHttpServer [beta]
B4ATutorialDatabaseJRDC2 for SQL Server / Azure [UI App]




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What's New Since Last Week (05 Apr 2021 to 12 Apr 2021)

B4JSnippetStringsSave string to file with CRLF instead of only LF [notepad compatibility]
B4ALibraryAdsFirebaseAdMob2 - Google Mobile Ads SDK v20+
B4XTutorialhttpOkHttpUtils2 with Wait For
B4XTutorialPickerAS WheelPicker PlusMinus Example [B4X]
B4XLibraryPickerAS WheelPicker - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryViews - additionalRTFeditor Version 2021
B4XLibraryB4XSD B4XView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryImageslmB4XImageView [B4X] [B4Xlib]
B4XCode moduleAmazonAMAZON WEB SERVICES S3 V4 Signature Calculator [code module][B4X - works on B4A/B4I/B4J]
B4ASnippetB4ADesugar alternative for conflictive jars
B4XLibraryYouTubeDL Youtube ExoPlayer [B4X]
B4XSnippetFirebaseFirestore API REST - support
B4RTutorialB4R sensorWeather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak
B4RSnippetB4R sensorUsing a PIR to rotate a servo [Emulating PIR opening/closing powered doors]
B4ALibraryDate/timeDate/Time/Datetime Tools
B4ILibraryComms & NetworkiUI9 - Safari Controller
B4ASnippethttpRegister User example using HttpUtils2
B4XLibraryDate/timeFormat dates in GMT time zone without changing the app's time zone [B4X]
B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4XTutorialB4XCode Smells [B4X]
B4XLibraryDatabaseSD_SQL [MsSQL,MySQL] [B4X] [B4XLib]
B4XLibraryYAMLYAML parser [B4X]
B4XLibraryPickerUM_Add To Cart [B4X] [XUI]
B4XTutorialB4AMobile App Website - No-Code Builder [Landingpage, Legal notice, privacy policy] [B4X]
B4XLibraryB4XSD XUIView2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4JSnippetDate/timeCalculate public holidays with variable dates
B4ALibraryTranslation/localisationMulti Language helper
B4XLibraryViewPagerAS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
B4XClassImagesSD_ImageView [B4X]
B4ATutorialB4AB4A beginner tutorials




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What's New Since Last Week (12 Apr 2021 to 19 Apr 2021)

B4ALibraryOSBiometricManager - Biometric Authentication
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4AToolAppCompatAppCompat with ToolBar - minimal example
B4ATutorialB4AB4ABuilder / B4JBuilder - Command line compilation
B4XLibraryImagesLibrary Base64 encode/decode image library [B4X]
B4JTutorialChartsjavafx charts / graphs - LineChart
B4ASnippetDate/timeOffline calculation of call to prayer time and religious times
B4AToolB4AB4A Bridge (Reskinned UI)
B4JTutorialBAnanoHow BANano.GeoLocation helped us with developing Seeking.Shelter & GPS locations querying from a database [BANano]
B4JLibraryBAnanoCreate VueJS+Vuetify based Websites / WebApps using the Abstract Designer [BANanoVueAD] [BETA]
B4JSnippetPDFMake pdf reports using html + template engine + json data in b4j
B4ATutorialB4AB4A Ui
B4XLibraryCalendarAS CalendarAdvanced - OneRow/FiveRow Calendar - Expand and Collapse [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialBAnanoViewing a Music Store SQLite Database [BANano] [Database.Show]
B4ALibraryAdsFirebaseAdMob2 - Google Mobile Ads SDK v20+
B4ALibraryAdsAdsHelper extends FirebaseAdMob2 / Google Mobile Ads v20.0+
B4XLibraryhttpxHttpServer [beta] [B4X]
B4XSnippetTextviewTextInputBox [B4X]




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What's New Since Last Week (19 Apr 2021 to 26 Apr 2021)

B4ALibraryB4AMock Provider for Api 30
B4ASnippetNotificationsNotification with reply field
B4XLibraryViews - additionalSD ElasticTrimmer [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryTextviewSD_TextView [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
B4RTutorialB4R sensorBLE Xiaomi Temperature Sensor Project [ESP32 with BLE+WIFI]
B4JSnippetDate/timeDate convertor -> Persian [Shamsi] to Gregorian and vice versa
B4ALibraryViews - additionalRTFeditor Version 2021
B4XLibraryViews - additionalXUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs [B4X]
B4ALibrarySocialFacebook Audience Network Library
B4JLibraryExcelXLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks
B4XSnippetComms & NetworkTrust all SSL Socket [B4X]
B4ATutorialFirebaseFCM messages checklist [prevent issues]
B4ALibraryAdsUnity Ads Library
B4ASnippetSocialWhatsApp Automation
B4ATutorialB4AB4A on Parallels M1 MAC
B4XLibraryB4XSD XUIView2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryAdsAdColony Library
B4XLibraryCalendarAS CalendarAdvanced - OneRow/FiveRow Calendar - Expand and Collapse [B4X] [XUI]
B4JSnippetInteropB4XVonage - Send SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Video, Audio Messages etc etc via Vonage
B4ASnippetFile handlingSaveAs - Let the user select a target folder
B4ALibraryOSBiometricManager - Biometric Authentication
B4XTutorialB4XpagesB4XPages - Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages [B4X]
B4AToolAppCompatAppCompat with ToolBar - minimal example
B4ALibraryTextviewMetroUI_TextView [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]




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Longtime User
What's New Since Last Week (26 Apr 2021 to 03 May 2021)

B4JTutorialChartsjavafx charts / graphs - LineChart
B4XTutorialB4XB4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online
B4JLibraryExcelXLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks
B4XLibraryViews - additionalSD ElasticTrimmer [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialExcelWriting Excel Workbooks [XLUtils]
B4ISnippetAudio/VideoIn-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
B4XLibraryB4XSD XUIView2 [B4X] [XUI]
B4ALibraryImagesB4A - AH_ActivityScreenShot
B4XLibraryCalendarAS CalendarAdvanced - OneRow/FiveRow Calendar - Expand and Collapse [B4X] [XUI]
B4XToolB4XlmRenameB4XPagesProject [Tool] [Source code]
B4ALibraryPrintSD: Bluetooth Printer
B4JTutorialBAnanoSearching B4xGoodies & Creating Overviews with Walt's B4xGoodies Explorer using BVAD3 [BANano]
B4XLibraryTable/GridA small class to view many-columned B4XTables - for example Excel sheets. [B4XPages] [XLUtils]
B4XTutorialB4XPadding/depadding PKCS7/5 and other [B4x]
B4XLibraryImagesBitmapCreator Effects [B4X]
B4ATutorialContactswmContactsUtils - enhanced ContactsUtils [B4A] [Class] [Contacts]
B4ALibraryAdsFirebaseAdMob2 - Google Mobile Ads SDK v20+
B4ATutorialhttpUser Login + MySQL PHP API
B4ATutorialCalendarClass wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred's explorations [B4A] [Class] [Calendar]
B4XTutorialComms & NetworkOTP: Create OTP credentials & show a QR-Code which can be scanned/used with Authenticator apps [B4x] [PHP/HTML/JS]
B4JLibraryB4JMashy's B4J Overview
B4AToolDialogsFormsBuilder View
B4RSnippetEncryptionArduino NANO Serial AES-128KeyGen
B4ALibraryViews - additionalRTFeditor Version 2021
B4XTutorialDatabaseNull in relation to assigning database values to variables
B4XLibraryPreferencesB4XPreferencesDialog - Cross platform forms [B4X]
B4XSnippetB4XPadding data [e.g. building blocks of a multiple of 16] [B4x]
B4XSnippetDialogsLight theme B4XDateTemplate [B4X]
B4XSnippetEncryptionGenerate RSA private/public key in php and prepare it to use in B4x [B4x]
B4XSnippetFile xferPost multipart requests / file uploads with progress [B4X]
B4ATutorialB4Aandroid.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion
B4JTutorialB4JErels B4J Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
B4XSnippetComms & NetworkUse OTP in your apps [php code also included] [B4x]
B4RTutorialB4RErels B4R Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
B4ATutorialB4AErels B4A Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
B4ASnippetDatabaseDBRequestManager - make recordset more useable.
B4ITutorialB4IErels B4I Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
B4XTutorialB4XErels B4X Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
B4JTutorialBAnanoWalts B4xGoodies Explorer Using BVAD3 on Mobile Device [BANano]
B4JLibraryDatabasejJasperReports Library
B4ASnippetFirebaseFCM messages/notifications: Use Phonewakestate to throw notifications without delay




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What's New Since Last Week (03 May 2021 to 17 May 2021)

B4XLibraryBarcode/scanDynamsoft Barcode Reader - Cross-Platform Barcode/QR Code Decoding Library [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4JLibraryBAnanoBANanoFontLibraries - FontAwesome, Roboto, MaterialDesignIcons etc for LocalHosting [BANano]
B4XTutorialBarcode/scanBarcode Reader [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4JTutorialBAnanoVuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano for Dummies [BANanoVuetifyAD]
B4AToolB4ABasicIDE Suite 3 - Now further improved
B4JTutorialBAnanoBeginning WebApp Animations with BANanoAnimeJS [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
B4XClassChartsxChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
B4XLibraryViews - effectsSD CreativeBackgroud [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialBAnanoImplementing the new BVAD3 [1] B4X Project Template [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
B4ALibraryTextviewMetroUI_TextView [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
B4ALibraryToastEDK_Notification [Sliding Notification] [BETA] [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
B4ALibraryWifiMLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
B4XLibraryLabelASLabel - CrossPlatform Label [B4X] [XUI]
B4ASnippetMailTBirdSync: Thunderbird contacts/calendar/tasks mirroring from PC to Android (sources included)
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/LoadingjSD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
B4ISnippetAudio/VideoPlay SystemSounds [and Vibration]
B4ALibraryList- and scrollviewMC7RecyclerView
B4JTutorialDatabaseShould I use SQLite as my web server database? [SQLite Stress Test]
B4ASnippetWidgetWhat Waste
B4RLibraryFile handlingrESP8266littleFS for B4R
B4AToolB4ABasicIDE Suite - on device development IDE
B4XLibrarySwitchSD SwitchAdv [B4X] [B4XLib]
B4ATutorialGPS/locationFusedLocationProvider + Resolution Dialog
B4ALibraryViews - additionalJoyStickView
B4ALibraryMenuSimple Circle Menu Library
B4RTutorialComms & NetworkESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer
B4ALibraryApp startupShowCaseView
B4ASnippetGoogleGoogleDrive via REST API V3 - Small Testproject
B4JLibraryExcelXLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks
B4ASnippetAudio/VideoExoplayer read stream radio online
B4JTutorialExcelCreating Tables [XLUtils]
B4ATutorialAudio/VideoUse MediaStore to play and export Ringtones. Demo, lib and Java source code.
B4ALibraryB4ABasicLib interpreter and BasicIDE development IDE revisited
B4ILibraryImagesiQBImagePicker - Multiple selection image picker
B4ALibraryFile handlingManage External Storage - access internal external storage > SDK 30
B4JSnippetB4JFull Screen Form without taskbar
B4JTutorialBAnanoCreating Server Applications with BANanoServer... [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
B4ASnippetGoogleminor fix to GoogleDrive API for folder names with apostrophes
B4RTutorialFile xferESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it
B4ASnippetWidgetB4A Quotes Widget - in B4XPages
B4JTutorialB4JCreating a Mac package with B4JPackager11
B4JTutorialExcelReading and writing example [XLUtils]
B4AToolB4ABasicIDE Suite 2 - Now with on-device visual designer
B4ILibraryBluetoothBLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
B4ALibraryButtonSD Floating Button StandOut
B4JTutorialExcelWriting Excel Workbooks [XLUtils]
B4JTutorialExcelConditional formatting [XLUtils]
B4ALibraryBluetoothBLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
B4JTutorialExcelHyperlinks and Outlining / Grouping [XLUtils]
B4ASnippetB4Adetecting screen orientation - current vs. new
B4ALibraryList- and scrollviewUltimateListView
B4ALibraryAI/MLML Kit Language Identification
B4ALibraryAudio/VideoExoPlayer - MediaPlayer / VideoView Alternative
B4ASnippetFile handlingSaveAs - Let the user select a target folder
B4XTutorialEncryptionUpdated B4R-AES256 example [compatible with B4x, php and all other platforms]
B4AToolDialogsFormsBuilder View
B4XLibraryViews - additionalSD ElasticTrimmer [B4X] [XUI]
B4JTutorialExcelTemplates and Charts [XLUtils]
B4JTutorialChartsjavafx charts / graphs - LineChart


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