Android Question B4xPages B4xDrawer example leftpanel not covering actionbar


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Hi All

In the example given here and using B4A 10.2 I see that the left drawer does not cover the Centerpanel Page 2 Actionbar when you click the hamburger.

The example for B4xdrawer does - see here

I have search the forum, can see differences in the manifest, use of appcompat, it may be my environment etc, but (as normal) I am blind to the Solution

Is there a right way for the B4xpages example to achieve this?

I note that @rraswisak s impressive "invitation table" may have done this with B4xpages - see video at 7.14 ?



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It is indeed related to the toolbar being a separate view in AppCompat. With some work you can do a similar thing in B4XPages without creating a custom bar (, however you will probably lose other features.

I actually think that from a UX perspective it is better not to push the action bar. This way the hamburger icon is kept in the same location.
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