Android Code Snippet [B4Xpages] maintaining the page during a split-screen size change

The default B4Xpages B4A template doesn't maintain the 'current page' when resizing the splits.

I worked around this issue by
- adding a Main Process_Globals variable, for example Public sIDLastPageName As String
- in Main Activity_Create add the following
If Not(FirstTime) Then
End If
- in each B4XPage add the following into the B4XPage_Appear
Sub B4XPage_Appear
    Main.sIDLastPageName = "MainPage"
End Sub
For the B4Xpages template example, you would need to use a Select in the Main Activity_Create to use the method ShowPageAndRemovePreviousPages for case "Page 2", to reproduce the 'hide Login' action.
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