Wish B4XPages. Multi-platform.


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[Often my posts here are not "wishes" but suggestions to "improve" B4X; this one too].

I quickly developed a B4XPages example for a member (B4XCanvas example - published). I did it with B4J even though our friend needed it in B4A.
After that, I had to perform (a few) actions to make the project work also in B4A, namely:

- open B4A;
- import the image files, by clicking on the comment-link;
- open the B4XMainPage layout in the Designer;
- go back to the B4J Designer in which I still have the same layout open, copy all the Views to the clipboard, switch to B4A and paste them.

Done, very easy.

If the IDE, in this case B4J, would allow to do the above automatically, simply by pressing a button (or selecting a menu item) it would be convenient.

Lucas Siqueira

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I'm in favor of having a bxl layout that would be for b4a+b4i+b4j...

To create layouts in b4a and then copy them to b4i, although you can copy and paste by opening the designer, it ends up being quite laborious when we have many layouts.

Think carefully about creating a button to export all layouts from b4a to b4i at once, or being able to select which layouts you want to modify.

Nowadays, whenever I create a new project, I always use b4x libraries, to have the least possible rework, but copying the layout always ends up being laborious, especially when creating several layouts and clv items.

Look at this project of mine, I have 93 designers, whenever I have to change a layout in b4a, I have to go to b4i and change it too.



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Longtime User
o create layouts in b4a and then copy
That can also be useful.

This "Wish" is about developing B4XPages cross-platform projects.
For example, once you open a B4XPages-B4A project, it would be nice if, when switching to the B4i IDE (and you could open it from within the B4A IDE), the copying of resource files, layouts and CODE MODULES was done automatically. Possibly also the "import" of the necessary (common) libraries.

All this will probably not be necessary; it would not surprise me at all if Erel was working on a single IDE. Maybe this will be the novelty of 2025 (but probably I will no longer exist [I hope])

Lucas Siqueira

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It would be great to have just one IDE that unified b4a and b4i, I wouldn't mind paying for it, until I saved a lot of time, a lot of time indeed

Lucas Siqueira

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Longtime User
Another wish that would be great is to be able to use anchors with percentages in the designer. When we have more than 3 items on the same line, using anchors is a problem.

I know that there is a DDD library that helps solve this.



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