B4J Question B4XTable and SQLite an Idea for a Project template Layout

Elby dev

Licensed User
Now that Erel has told me not to use Tableview but B4XTable I had to rethink my project top level layout and the role of SQLite for basic tasks.
Here are my thoughts. Any comments please. Perhaps a thought for others to do the same or comment especially with so many modules to do things. Thanks
For utility tasks in the office I usually start with a data file/s from an ERP system ie data.txt. etc
Project Flow I am thinking of:
Data.txt (on Disk)
| My Thought Note: This structure allows flexibility on Program Start with SQLite db instead of CSV files only (on Disk)
List (memory)
SQLite DB & table (on disk)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Create/Replace Table from list<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
| ^
Filter Above (memory) ^
| ^
List (Memory) ^
| ^
B4XTable (is like a memory SQL table) (memory <<< ^
| ^ ^
Do 'Things' what you like with the B4XTable object--^ or >>when done Create List (memory)>>>Save to CSV (disk)>>>Optionally>>List (memory)>>>

Elby dev

Licensed User
The B4XTable database will be gone when the program is finished is it not? . Also my thought is that if the incoming
are multiple text files it be easier to bring them into a DB with tables to do the joining before presenting it
to the B4XTable object. I suppose "many ways to skin a cat" Thanks
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