B4J Question B4XTable Column Horizontal Alignment


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In a B4XTable, how to horizontal align a column, i.e. "LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT" or "CENTER_LEFT"?

Tried below snippet, but gives a runtime error
'Add column and get as object
Dim TypeColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTableDatapoints.AddColumn("Type", B4XTableDatapoints.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
'Set the column width
TypeColumn.Width = 250dip
'Get the label from the column
Dim TypeLabel As B4XView = TypeColumn.Panel.GetView(TypeColumn.LabelIndex)
'Set text alignment
TypeLabel.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "LEFT")

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Type does not match (class anywheresoftware.b4j.objects.PaneWrapper$ConcretePaneWrapper$NonResizePane)


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Sub SetColumnAlignment(tableName As B4XTable, columnID As String, alignment As String)
    Dim column As B4XTableColumn = tableName.GetColumn(columnID)
    For i = 1 To column.CellsLayouts.Size - 1        'starts at 1 due to header
        Dim pnl As B4XView = column.CellsLayouts.Get(i)
        pnl.GetView(0).SetTextAlignment("CENTER", alignment.ToUpperCase)
End Sub
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Step 1: set the maximum number of rows and call BuildLayotusCache. This is very important as it saves you the trouble of dealing with more rows in the future.
Step 2: disable search highlight in B4J. The alignment of the highlighted cells will always be center in B4J.
Step 3:
B4XTable1.MaximumRowsPerPage = 20
If xui.IsB4J Then B4XTable1.HighlightSearchResults = False
'Now you can call:
SetColumnHorizontalAlignment(NameColumn, "RIGHT")

Private Sub SetColumnHorizontalAlignment(Col As B4XTableColumn, Alignment As String)
    For i = 1 To Col.CellsLayouts.Size - 1
        Dim p As B4XView = Col.CellsLayouts.Get(i)
        p.GetView(Col.LabelIndex).SetTextAlignment("CENTER", Alignment)
End Sub
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