Could someone please assist in my general understanding of the above. I have searched these forums but still lack understanding of conditional (WHERE) sorts
I have a simple 100 row 5 record table with items in a column with the title "EQUIPMENT" One of the items is RP1 which could occur many times in that column
I want a general sort routine to display the records only from RP1 ( or any other item of my choosing) on the table
This faults in the IDE with " Too Many Parameters" ( B4X Table is Ver 1.17)
So Questions
a) Why the fault above?
b) If it ran would the table show only those records with RP1 in EQUIPMENT. Is there any other statements I need to apply
b) Where can I find an explanation in the use of $ in the string statement.
c) If I have a compound search such as x${Col1.SQLID} =? AND ${Col2.SQLID} = ? I assume that the order the ? corresponds to the order in the array?
d) Will the above work on the single B4X table or do I have to do two separate createview sorts?
Sorry for the naive questions, I understand the intent of the SQL commands from the excellent w3school tutorial, its the application int B4X that I am having problems with
I have a simple 100 row 5 record table with items in a column with the title "EQUIPMENT" One of the items is RP1 which could occur many times in that column
I want a general sort routine to display the records only from RP1 ( or any other item of my choosing) on the table
Dim Col1 As B4XTableColumn = DBTable.GetColumn("EQUIPMENT")
Dim SearchItem As String = "RP1"
DBTable.CreateDataView($"${Col1.SQLID} = ?"$,Array As String(SearchItem))
This faults in the IDE with " Too Many Parameters" ( B4X Table is Ver 1.17)
So Questions
a) Why the fault above?
b) If it ran would the table show only those records with RP1 in EQUIPMENT. Is there any other statements I need to apply
b) Where can I find an explanation in the use of $ in the string statement.
c) If I have a compound search such as x${Col1.SQLID} =? AND ${Col2.SQLID} = ? I assume that the order the ? corresponds to the order in the array?
d) Will the above work on the single B4X table or do I have to do two separate createview sorts?
Sorry for the naive questions, I understand the intent of the SQL commands from the excellent w3school tutorial, its the application int B4X that I am having problems with