Android Code Snippet B4xTable - Generic Code

This code contains a selection of the code snippets and tutorials on the B4x forums.
The code is presented as a generic set, suitable for any table size and includes:
' - Populating the B4xTable from a database table (it could be from anywhere)
' - Adding Rows(Records)
' - Deleting Rows
' - Duplicating Rows
' - Modifying cells individually
' - Moving the order of the Rows
' - Saving the B4xTable back to the database table

Two examples of tables with different field numbers are provided to show how the generic code works


  • B4xTableProformer(B4a).zip
    20.5 KB · Views: 369
  • B4xTableProformer(B4J).zip
    13.9 KB · Views: 340
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