L2: Documentation is crucial
I remember, that before the BANano ebook came into being, one was learning and is still learning through asking questions, finding and reporting bugs, exploring and exploring and exploring. It is true, in most cases, the person who knows more about the library being created is the author, more that the end users. To help out other developers know as much as possible about the library, documentation is crucial as part of the delivery offering.
There are things that I only grasped after I read the BANano ebook for example, these at times made me realize that some things I did in my libraries could have been written / done differently. Yes at times asking a lot of questions is not thee viable solution, as users can and will find things from reading, better. Some questions might remain un-answered and one does not necessarily all the time get solutions quickly. This requires patience.
This documentation challenge has been evident with BVAD3, yes there are a vast number of tutorials, videos, threads etc, however people are receptive to content in different ways.
Whilst releasing BVAD3, I should have also released a 'user manual', same time. This however is not always easy to achieve. These libraries are not always bread an butter issues but are there to help others achieve their dreams, something at times has to give, balancing a hobby vs source of income.
Vuetify library which is the basis of BVAD3 is being re-written for Vue3, this provides a great opportunity to use the latest advanced features for BVAD3 and also attempt to create a "user manual" at the same time. In whatever way, a balance has to be reached.