Whilst this is being tested with BANanoVueMaterial, the LOGIC is applicable for any related code like this. We are loading an autocomplete input based of a fetch results from a github repo of public API. The qualifier is the code logic. You can trap the input event of your autocomplete to achieve the same..
1. When our app runs, our autocomplete is empty
2. Each type a user types something, we detect a few things, (a) is the autocomplete filled already and (b) is it loading
3. If the autocomplete is already filled exit the reload and if its loading exit the reload else load it.
4. The SearchItems sub can then be fed the results of your autocomplete input detection and the Fetch happens
In our case, when the "itemsa" state changes after a load, the autocomplete is loaded automatically with new content. That is where BANano specific code can come in to load your autocomplete.
After everything is loaded, of course,the isloading is made false.
One of the interesting things is getting the details of a selected API. On the list of items listed, each is saved as an object. So on click of the autocomplete, the selected object is read and a key, value pair list is made. Ours is called a "model"
Whilst this is being tested with BANanoVueMaterial, the LOGIC is applicable for any related code like this. We are loading an autocomplete input based of a fetch results from a github repo of public API. The qualifier is the code logic. You can trap the input event of your autocomplete to achieve the same..
1. When our app runs, our autocomplete is empty
2. Each type a user types something, we detect a few things, (a) is the autocomplete filled already and (b) is it loading
3. If the autocomplete is already filled exit the reload and if its loading exit the reload else load it.
4. The SearchItems sub can then be fed the results of your autocomplete input detection and the Fetch happens
Sub SearchItems(xval As String)
'get the already existing list of items
Dim items As List = vm.GetState("itemsa", Array())
'get the loading status
Dim isloading As Boolean = vm.GetState("isloading",False)
'items already loaded
If items.Size > 0 Then Return
'items have been requested
If isloading Then Return
'change the state to loading
vm.SetStateSingle("isloading", True)
' do the search
Dim Response As BANanoFetchResponse
Dim Data As BANanoJSONParser
Dim Error As BANanoJSONParser
' list (GET is default, and we do not need extra options so we pass Null for the options)
Dim fetch1 As BANanoFetch
'execute the fetch
fetch1.Initialize("https://api.publicapis.org/entries", Null)
'we got a promise response
' so resolve it to a json
Dim res As Map = Data.NextObject
Dim count As Long = res.Get("count")
Dim entries As List = res.Get("entries")
'lets build up our items
Dim items As List
'we define how long a description should be
Dim dl As Int = vm.GetState("descriptionlimit",descriptionlimit)
'get the entries and limit the description to specified length
For Each entry As Map In entries
Dim sDescription As String = entry.Get("Description")
If sDescription.Length > descriptionlimit Then
sDescription = vm.LeftString(sDescription, dl) & "..."
entry.Put("Description", sDescription)
End If
'save the list of items to load to the auto-complete
vm.SetStateSingle("itemsa", items)
'turn the loading state to false
vm.SetStateSingle("isloading", False)
End Sub
In our case, when the "itemsa" state changes after a load, the autocomplete is loaded automatically with new content. That is where BANano specific code can come in to load your autocomplete.
After everything is loaded, of course,the isloading is made false.
One of the interesting things is getting the details of a selected API. On the list of items listed, each is saved as an object. So on click of the autocomplete, the selected object is read and a key, value pair list is made. Ours is called a "model"
Sub ComputeFields As List
Dim fields As List
Dim model As Map = vm.GetState("model",Null)
If model = Null Then Return fields
For Each k As String In model.Keys
Dim v As Object = model.Get(k)
fields.Add(CreateMap("key": v, "value":v))
vm.SetStateSingle("fields", fields)
Return fields
End Sub