1. I copied all the files from ABKeyStoreSSL to my additional folders.
2. Opened up my BANanoServer project.
3. Created a reference to ABKeyStoreSSL on the libraries listing
4. Added this to Main.Process_Globals
Then updated Main.AppStart with
And added the rest of the code
Q0. What am I doing absolutely wrong?
Q1. Issues: I dont have a webserver to test this with, my computer is running laragin on apache 81/443, can not this be done with such an environment?
Q2. I see this line JKS.Initialize("/var/www/html/"), I guess this is for Linux deployments, for windows I guess I have to write public_html etc or something?
Q3. I am still using local apache for development, on this line, domains.Add("localhost") what is the best option to use?
B4J logs attached
1. I copied all the files from ABKeyStoreSSL to my additional folders.
2. Opened up my BANanoServer project.
3. Created a reference to ABKeyStoreSSL on the libraries listing
4. Added this to Main.Process_Globals
Public JKS As ABKeystoreSSL
Public JKSReloadTimer As Timer
Public JKSName As String = "myjksname"
Public JKSStorePassword As String = "myjksstorepassword"
Public JKSManagerPassword As String = "myjksmanagerpassword"
Then updated Main.AppStart with
If Server.PortSSL <> 0 Then
' make the jks file (if needed)
If File.Exists(File.DirApp, JKSName & ".jks") Then
Log("Starting server in HTTPS mode...")
Server.StartServerHTTP2(JKSName & ".jks", JKSStorePassword, JKSManagerPassword)
' set a timer for a day
JKSReloadTimer.Initialize("JKSReloadTimer", 24*60*60*1000)
JKSReloadTimer.Enabled = True
' start it without https
LogError("Failed to open or create " & JKSName & ".jks" & ". Starting server in HTTP mode...")
End If
'Server.StartServerHTTP2("keystore.jks", "SSLKeyStorePassword", "SSLKeyManagerPassword")
End If
And added the rest of the code
' creates a certificate with Let's Encrypt
Sub MakeJKS() As Boolean
Dim Result As Boolean
' needs to be the 'entry point' in your webserver (NOT your B4X app). In my case it was var/www/html and not var/www/)
' MUST be accessible on port 80
Dim domains As List
' when developing, I check here if it is my local PC. If so I do not use the production server of Let's Encrypt
'If ABM.GetMyIP = "" Then
Result = JKS.GenerateJKS(domains, File.DirApp, JKSName, JKSStorePassword, JKSManagerPassword, False, "C:\KeyVault", False)
If File.Exists(File.DirApp, JKSName & ".jks") = False Then
' let's try to make a self signed certificate for development
LogError("Failed to open or create " & JKSName & ".jks with Let's Encrypt. Let's try to make a self signed one...")
Result = JKS.GenerateSelfSignedJKS(File.DirApp, JKSName, JKSStorePassword, JKSManagerPassword, "C:\KeyVault")
End If
' Result = JKS.GenerateJKS(domains, File.DirApp, JKSName, JKSStorePassword, JKSManagerPassword, True, "../KeyVault", False)
'End If
Return Result
End Sub
Sub JKSReloadTimer_Tick
If MakeJKS Then
' we created a new one, so reload it in the server
End If
End Sub
Q0. What am I doing absolutely wrong?
Q1. Issues: I dont have a webserver to test this with, my computer is running laragin on apache 81/443, can not this be done with such an environment?
Q2. I see this line JKS.Initialize("/var/www/html/"), I guess this is for Linux deployments, for windows I guess I have to write public_html etc or something?
Q3. I am still using local apache for development, on this line, domains.Add("localhost") what is the best option to use?
B4J logs attached